Effective teachers are not so devoted to their practice that they ignore the students in front of them. Flexible grouping is a data-driven teaching practice.It puts students into temporary groups to work together for only as long as is needed for them to develop an identified skill or to complete a … The teacher would then provide support and encouragement for the students to hone their reading comprehension skills throughout the … Although it might seem self-evident that effective teaching is at the heart of student learning, teaching has not always been a central part of the public discussion on education reform. The spring 2010 Teaching Writing Skills course looked very different from the course I had taught years before. Many of the issues were familiar to me from high school teaching, but I did not expect to find them at my university. In recent years, I had taught almost exclusively graduate students, and returning to teach this favorite undergraduate course would, I thought, be interesting. Make it fun. Retrieved from National Journal Expert Blogs: Education at I also have a modest reputation in my part of the academic world for exploring ineffective teaching— and the source of my most telling examples is still, embarrassingly, myself. Similarly, students’ variations in processes for and speeds of learning […] Priest, prostitute, plumber? ), Oops: What we learn when our teaching fails Regardless of the path taken, however, the vacuum cleaner gets fixed. EXAMPLE. QiGong ("chee" gong) is an ancient movement and breath-based practice intended to move the qi (vital energy) throughout the body. Examples of Self Care Resources for Students. About half a dozen students had real difficulty with basic expectations: They did not come to class on time; return promptly from the break; or bring the necessary materials, books, and writing journals. The public, he contends, expects teachers to work miracles and blames them when the miracles somehow do not materialize. Flexible Seating. Retracing the journey: Teaching and learning in an American high school. Grammar-translation Approach. STATUTORY REQUEST FOR FLEXIBLE WORK. Flexible Learning. In spring 2010, I had a teaching experience that illustrates some of the decisions and issues that confront all teachers in all classrooms as we strive for effective teaching. Another way in which flexibility is important for a teacher is the need to respond to different learner abilities, needs and interests. At students' request, I expanded class time for discussions that were of greatest interest to the students. For example, a teacher might choose a challenging short story, just outside of what would be easily digestible for the students, for an in-class reading assignment. You become more flexible to go with the flow. The goal was to balance brief and audience-appropriate research-based articles with critical University and COVID information and a variety of enrichment, engagement, and perhaps even a little evasion opportunities. The 2010 Teaching Writing Skills course promised to be one hot mess. The following resources were adapted from Blackboard content utilized in Spring 2020 by the Institute for Leadership Studies, developed by one of CTE's Faculty Consultants for Online and Flexible Teaching, Amy Leyerzapf. You might answer with something like this: Volunteer to cover a colleague's work while he is on leave. Free streaming online yoga  https://www.doyogawithme.com/, San Diego Zoo livecam https://zoo.sandiegozoo.org/live-cams, Georgia Aquarium webcam  https://www.georgiaaquarium.org/webcam/ocean-voyager/, African Safari webcam  https://www.georgiaaquarium.org/webcam/ocean-voyager/, 20 Minutes in Nature (Time Magazine)  https://time.com/5539942/green-space-health-wellness/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=time-health&utm_content=20200318, Broadway Plays and Musicals via livestream  http://www.filmedonstage.com/, Art from 14 Paris Museums  https://kottke.org/20/01/paris-museums-put-100000-images-online-for-unrestricted-public-use?fbclid=IwAR0PdrO_pBwtMP-IDCFUn1DFr7ZK8GHg57L9FDzgwD6lGEAWcwzgMa92AUU, Art Institute of Chicago digitized collection  https://www.artic.edu/collection, Learn-A-Language tutorials  https://www.learnalanguage.com/, Language podcasts  https://www.afar.com/magazine/15-best-podcasts-for-language-learning?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=031720+VirtualMuseums&utm_term=Daily+Wander+Newsletter&fbclid=IwAR39DTNxzA83H99eT49DMpjSMtt0r00AEFpBGhbcyJ8u3rg_hOmRWopSn7A, Skillshare.com courses  https://www.thisiscolossal.com/2020/03/social-distancing-skillshare/?fbclid=IwAR1FCdG6dAFBh75qmUFKkXqNd2R2h0gBCJ0g4cqbS5Qy8uaulie31K5-nqg, Screen Fatigue Recommendations https://time.com/4789208/screens-computer-eye-strain/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=time-health&utm_content=20200320, The time is WRITE! Monday through Friday I truncated some readings from the two textbooks and skipped other parts of the books entirely. Students designed original writing tasks, exchanged and completed them, and then evaluated the final products. New York: Teachers College Press. Effective teaching is contextual. Encourage student participation. The teacher, an individual who is crucial to the success of any reform effort, has often been sidestepped, minimized, or even ignored. Clearly, what I had done before in this course was not going to work with these students. Not surprisingly, then, early discussions and assignments that addressed teaching scenarios were not successful. In this context, what did effective teaching look like? lchriste@vcu.edu. Some would prefer the deceptive comfort of Chester E. Finn Jr.'s (2010) reductionist definition, "An effective teacher is one whose pupils learn what they should while under his/her tutelage.". The University recognises 12 variants of flexible delivery ranging from fully on-line teaching and web based studies to flexible scheduling. Find Ways to Learn About Flexible Classroom Configurations and Teaching Styles. Today, many organisations are working out new ways to offer flexibility in their learning programmes. Flexibility requires that the teacher modify their course plan or lesson plan to suit the students needs. Flexible Learning. It allows students to move around the classroom to do their work and communicate in a comfortable setting. Similarly, students’ variations in processes for and speeds of learning […] Given the requirements of the teaching timetable, and the core responsibilities of classroom teachers and support staff flexible working for teachers and education workers is more likely to take the form of part-time work or job sharing. Flexible learning is a method of learning where students are given freedom in how, what, when and where they learn. Christenbury, L. (2005). This is the scene: A teacher stands in front of the class, telling her … Apply to Tutor, English Teacher, Administrative Director and more! Alexandria, VA 22311-1714. Flexible seating is about more than simply having a variety of different, fun seats in the classroom. Writing Center | Math help room What are the most effective teaching methods for working with students who have OCD? Because the goal is learning, effective teachers must adjust curriculum, methods, and pacing to meet the needs of the students. In The complete poems and plays 1909–1950. This assignment had given each student the opportunity to assume the roles of both writing teacher and writing student. This is a request under section 80F Employment Rights Act 1996. Whereas students often lose interest during lecture-style teaching, interactive teaching styles promote an atmosphere of attention and participation. English Education, 42(1), 61–90. (From my experience, this was not the usual course audience, and I wondered whether recent enrollment pressures in the English department had made this course attractive to English majors who needed the upper-level credits.) One example I said was explaining what would have to happen if we had something fun planned as a family but someone else called us and might really need our help. Sometimes being flexible is kind of like being a chameleon. 77–81). Once we more fully integrate our efforts to improve teaching with school context and student need, we can look more confidently to a future in which all students experience success. Day 2/Grouping 2: Students receive a playing card and form “same suit” trios Flexible working has become an increasingly hot topic for teachers in recent years. Subscribe to Eliot, T. S. (1952). I also limited large-group discussions—which often veered out of control when students were not able to present comments or ideas civilly—and substituted small groups or pairs. EXAMPLE. Only when preservice teachers have gained some experience with a range of students and some sense of themselves as teachers do they understand that the individual, idiosyncratic, and contextual aspects of effective teaching are what make it both enormously rewarding and enormously challenging. Good teaching comes not from following a recipe, but from consistently putting student needs first. To make the course more appropriate for the students, I broadened the content of discussions and assignments so that the focus was not just on teaching writing but on issues in the students' own writing. Five strategies that could help make flexible teaching more successful should it become necessary in the future. Flexible groups can and will most likely change from day to day. For example, I might teach myself how to fix a vacuum cleaner using different resources and at a different pace than you might. Similarly, employers who cultivate a flexible work environment are attractive to employees. The flowing movements and breath demonstrated here are designed for stress relief. First, it was variable. Ultimately, effective teaching is fearless. Students told me that they wanted more time with assignments, more direction regarding the content of journal entries, and more feedback from me on drafts. Despite their own skill, knowledge, and experience, effective teachers neither patronize nor condescend to students of any age. These nerves make sense, as this is a big shift, but there are some things you can do to help you become more comfortable with the change. The system is increasingly flexible as it becomes clear as the semester progresses which modes students are opting for. I think it would be overstating the case to call these adjustments fearless. You might answer with something like this: The resources were organized into the content areas noted here and presented as weblinks with the URL’s embedded. I teach preservice teachers at the university level, and one of the hardest messages I try to impart to them is that there is no definitive recipe, no immutable formula, no simple list of do's and don'ts to ensure effective teaching. This learner-centered perspective is a hallmark of the Eberly Center’s approach to teaching. The purpose of the following materials is to present current research and theory on student learning in a way that can inform and guide effective teaching practices. Sometimes this might mean delving into your teacher… cohorts that experience flexible learning environments achieve significant growth above and beyond the excellent results already achieved in stand alone classrooms In articles and books throughout my career, I have felt compelled to detail my recurring instructional struggles and failures (Christenbury, 1996, 2005, 2007) to serve as a cautionary tale. This article stems directly from my years of experience and reflection and from my stubborn and consistent aspiration to be a better teacher. Flexible grouping is going to look different in each classroom depending on grade level, class size, and a number of other factors. What are the most effective teaching methods for working with students who have OCD? Reflective and accomplished teachers do not need to be controlled, managed, or strictly monitored. Teacher Interview Example Answers. Make it interesting. A situation where flexibility works well is … Fs. Here are some sample answers: ... so you might be asked whether you are flexible when teaching. Students will always learn more, less, or differently than "what they should." Alexandria, VA 22311-1714, December 2010/January 2011 | Volume 68 | Number 4 Kids use flexible thinking for learning and everyday life. Good teaching comes not from following a recipe, but from consistently putting student needs first. Another way in which flexibility is important for a teacher is the need to respond to different learner abilities, needs and interests. Educational Leadership More information on these forms of working can be found on the National Education Union (NEU) website. Flexibility is the idea that your plans can change very quickly, sometimes with notice and sometimes without. Teacher Interview Example Answers. These two characteristics also go hand-in-hand with one another. Flexible learning environments address how physical space is used, how students are grouped during learning and how time is used throughout teaching. Address Flexibility and Adaptability in the classroom are two of most important qualities that every teacher must possess. What is obsessive compulsive disorder? I am not yet where I want to be, but as T. S. Eliot (1952) reminds us. Consider allowing people to work from home to help them achieve a better work/life balance. Leila Christenbury is Commonwealth Professor of English Education at Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia; a former high school English teacher; and past president of the National Council of Teachers of English; 804-828-1306; Use a high ratio of praise to corrections. Sometimes this might mean delving into your teacher… Flexible teaching techniques help a child with OCD succeed in a classroom setting. I also deleted a quarter of the journal entry assignments, doubled the time allotted to writing-group revision, and initiated rewards for completion of minor assignments. East Coker (No. Only recently has it occurred to a number of otherwise bright people that effective teaching is central to education success. Specifically, I insisted that students who were struggling meet with me outside of class. 23 April 2019. This is a vast area … For example, a flexible teacher would be ok extending the deadline on an essay if the entire classes wanted it. This epitomises the polar opposite to a more ideal, flexible approach that is tailored to the situation at hand. In B. M. Power and R. S. Hubbard (Eds. After almost 35 years in secondary and university classrooms, I know something about effective teaching. Make it exciting. As in those contexts, I worked hard with these Teaching Writing Skills students, being more personable and direct than I had been in any classroom in years to keep them awake, aware, and engaged. What are the symptoms of OCD? Christenbury, L. (2007). At the end of the course, for the first time in my university teaching career (although I did this regularly as a high school teacher), I provided a two-page, detailed study guide for the exam. Over the course of the semester, nine final draft papers were unacceptable; these students were given an R grade (revise) and the opportunity to rewrite and resubmit without penalty, and every student took advantage of that opportunity. 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Effective teachers also differ from one another; both teachers who use traditional methods and those who employ the most up-to-date pedagogy can be successful. Making a flexible working request. For some kids, this skill comes naturally. 1703 North Beauregard St. https://www.cccstudentmentalhealth.org/students-self-care-wellness-during-the-covid-19-pandemic/, https://www.mcleanhospital.org/news/tips-help-college-students-during-covid-19-pandemic, https://www.terrycralle.com/how-college-students-can-prioritize-mental-health-during-the-covid-19-outbreak/, KU’s Coronavirus Health Care Guidance  https://studenthealth.ku.edu/coronavirus, National Institute for Mental Health  https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/find-help/index.shtml, American Institute of Stress – 50 Signs of Stress  https://www.stress.org/stress-effects, Navigating Isolation (The Guardian)  https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/13/the-    family-lockdown-guide-how-to-emotionally-prepare-for-coronavirus-quarantine?utm_source=pocket-newtab, Role of Humor in Navigating Stress (Psychology Today)  https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/ulterior-motives/201706/humor-sometimes-makes-stressful-situations-better, Social Distancing Wellness Recommendations https://time.com/5804130/covid-19-social-distancing-wellness/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=time-health&utm_content=20200319, UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center (MARC) meditations and podcasts, https://www.uclahealth.org/marc/mindful-meditations, Lee Holden QiGong for Stress Relief  https://www.holdenqigong.com/video-natural-stress-relief/. Changing the patterns of school days and school years, establishing a common core curriculum, linking assessments to that curriculum, holding schools accountable for student test scores, altering administrators' preparation and responsibilities, incorporating new technologies into instruction, empowering community groups and school boards—these have all been and continue to be topics on the education reform discussion board. Flexible learning approaches are often designed using a full range of teaching and learning theories, philosophies and methods to provide students with opportunities to access information and expertise, contribute ideas and opinions, and correspond with other learners and mentors. Retrieved from National Journal Expert Blogs: Education at I design adaptable lesson plans, exciting hands-on activities, and engaging thematic units to spark students’ interest, attention, and imagination. This may occur through the use of internet-based tools such They have both high seating and low seating for engagement and reward. Most people outside the classroom, especially those who want to regularize and routinize teaching and learning, do not. 2 of "Four Quartets"). The teacher imparts information to the students via lectures, assigned readings, audio/visual presentations, demonstrations, role playing, and other means. My current working pattern is Monday to Thursday, 9am to 5 pm, with one hour’s lunch per day (28h). Some have claimed that because individual teachers are so important, they should be able to overcome any and all instructional, contextual, and societal issues and consistently raise student test scores every year. The University of Kansas prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, national origin, age, ancestry, disability, status as a veteran, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, gender identity, gender expression, and genetic information in the university's programs and activities. This is a key … For those of us who are still trying to become the most effective teachers possible, it may be useful to consider a bit of history and a recent real-world example. The directing style promotes learning through listening and following directions. As they stand on the brink of entering their own classrooms, many of my students find this news frustrating. Grammar-translation Approach. All of the adjustments I made in response to the context and the needs of students in this course depended on the autonomy I enjoyed in my university teaching position (a level of autonomy that current reform efforts are unfortunately making less, not more, common among elementary and secondary teachers). Social distancing becomes easier as an element of it is built into student teaching schedules. Carter, C. (2009, October). Making a flexible working request. By Jasper Fox Sr. We all know that everyone learns differently. The Effective Educator Compromise seemed the better path and gave students a chance to succeed. I previously made a request under section 80F Employment Rights Act 1996 on 5 th May 2016. Effective teachers alter, adjust, and change their instruction depending on who is in the classroom and the extent to which those students are achieving. The University of Kansas prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, national origin, age, ancestry, disability, status as a veteran, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, gender identity, gender expression, and genetic information in the university's programs and activities. For example, a teacher might choose a challenging short story, just outside of what would be easily digestible for the students, for an in-class reading assignment. This is a key … Sometimes being flexible is kind of like being a chameleon. STATUTORY REQUEST FOR FLEXIBLE WORK. Flexible Student Grouping Traditionally, students are grouped together for a specific class at a specific time at the beginning of the year, and that grouping doesn’t change. Whereas students often lose interest during lecture-style teaching, interactive teaching styles promote an atmosphere of attention and participation. Employees who approach their job with a flexible mindset are typically more highly valued by employers. Make it fun. Workplace flexibility is a strategy of responding to changing circumstances and expectations. Some of these changes may appear to have weakened the rigor of the original course; from my perspective, however, not making these changes ensured that most students who had signed up for Teaching Writing Skills would falter in the assignments if not fail the course itself. … Should it become necessary, for example, to shift all teaching online in response to a new outbreak, this would be relatively easy. A student’s classmates for ELA class, for example, remains static all year. I used humor with the cougher and with those who needed repeated questioning. Flexible teaching techniques help a child with OCD succeed in a classroom setting. Volunteer to cover a colleague's work while he is on leave. Hours & locations | Flexible learning approaches are often designed using a full range of teaching and learning theories, philosophies and methods to provide students with opportunities to access information and expertise, contribute ideas and opinions, and correspond with other learners and mentors. (pp. One strategy was to address the elephant in the room; I talked to the students explicitly about what I perceived was going on in the class, and I proposed solutions. With this style, the teacher tells the students what to do, how to do it, and when it needs to be done. Flexible teaching and learning involves delivery in a number of forms. If you are applying for a job teaching younger students, you might be asked what you would do to prepare your classroom for the first day of school. I initiated one-on-one conferences, and during the class break I praised students for making progress with behavior and attention. In short, these students were not an optimal group. End-of-class anonymous student comments were generally positive ("encourages passionate discussions," "willing to help anyone who needed it," "establishes great working environment among all her students") as were instructor and course rankings (on a scale of 1 to 5, high 4s in almost every category). : “ my teaching philosophy is to make my lesson plans relatable teaching is central Education... Responds: the bottom line [ blog comment ] people to work with students! These `` superstar '' teachers are relatively rare trios Encourage lifelong learning enticed learn! Meet with me outside of class not materialize I think it would be ok extending the on... Interactive educational teaching styles other activities might be asynchronous, like readings and homework assignments and web based studies flexible... Other parts of the practice here in the US flexible teaching examples the deadline on an essay the. 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