A bacterium takes in DNA from a bacteriophage (bacterial virus) and then incorporates that DNA into its genome. causes lung damage known as tuberculosis (TB) with calcified tubercles, causes disfiguring leprosy (Hanson's disease), is a soil bacterium that was the original source of the antibiotic Streptomycin. Adams (MICRO 1420) Delayed cytokinesis with many cells in one(multiple fission)-Asexual reproduction. A cell in which a plasmid has integrated into the host chromosome. This bacterium was the leading cause of meningitis in infants and children until the development of the Hib vaccine. This was the first report of Pseudomonas infection in CF patients. an be autotroph or heterotroph. Microbiology Test #2 Study Guide. It looks like your browser needs an update. Males being smaller females being bigger. Unicellular in both marine and freshwater habitats. Not a real classification category, but no more like a junk drawer. causes amoebic dysentery when cysts are ingested in fecal-contaminated water or food. Eukaryotic, includes yeast, molds, and mushrooms. 1. in the U.S. Its main reservoir is poultry. Cysts are ingested in fecal contaminated water and hatch into ciliated trophozoites(feeding stage) in the gut. In 1951, two women with CF developed acute respiratory distress. Hyphae that is growing left and right, horizontally. Parasitic like- manifesting in the cell, replicating, using its resources and then lysing the cell to find another cell, The sporozoan that causes malaria. Some were red; others were white. Neurotoxin blocks opposing muscle relaxation, resulting in spastic paralysis. form inside a 'sac' (elongated cell) call an ascus. A hermaphrodite. Grow underground in France, Italy, Croatia, and Slovenia. Important as decomposers. The 1350 plague epidemic of Europe killed 1/2 of the population. The slope of log phase will be less steep. Facultative anaerobes can both respire and ferment, whereas aerotolerant anaerobes only ferment. Roundworms, they're dioecious, meaning having separate male and female bodies. When these cells are still single, they have one set of unpaired chromosomes(haploid), when joined, they produced two sets of paired chromosomes(diploid-2n). Causes trichomoniasis, an STD. Anterior flagellum, has contractile vacuole. (aka C. diff) is the most serious cause of broad-spectrum Antibiotic Associated Diarrhea(AAD); the antibiotics eradicate normal gut flora which leads to a severe infection of the colon (pseudomembranous colitis). Microbiology MCQ – 01 (Basics of Microbiology – Part 1) 1. Cram.com makes it easy to get the grade you want! Because of its slow reproductive rate, it takes several weeks to reach a critical mass of bacteria so that you know you are sick. Study Flashcards On Microbiology Exam 2 Study Guide at Cram.com. Chapter – 5: Bacterial nutrition. Aspergillosis is a lung infection caused by this fungus and usually occurs in people with other lung diseases or weakens immune systems. Prophage inside a bacterium is like a ticking time bomb. Also has two nuclei, a micronucleus and a macronucleus. Cysts are ingested and turn into trophozoites(feeding stage). Kelp is used in the food industry in many items; like pudding, jello. They always cause a change to an organism's genotype. Contain nucleic acid(they have genes/genetic information). Causes red tide when over populated, releases neurotoxins. A woman who died of cervical cancer. Why? When a cell line is said to be competent, what is unique to it as compared to noncompetent cell lines? A _________ mutation is one that occurs within the coding sequence of a gene but does NOT alter the identity of the amino acid that corresponds to the codon. having their cytoplasm go from gel to sol, and sol to gel. are eukaryotic, ingestive chemoheterotrophs, have no cell wall, are "animal like", unicellular, most are aquatic and referred to as zoo plankton. FREE microbiology lecture notes, study guide and exam help for medical, dentistry and nursing students. Chapter – 9. A change in pathogenicity of a bacterium as a result of its infection with a temperate bacteriophage as a prophage. Used for filtration, is a fine abrasive, used in reflective highway paint. A leathery 'pseudomembrane' of fibrin and dead cells obstructs the throat airway. (blue-green bacteria) such as fresh water Anabaena. A bacterium is grown at temperatures slightly below optimum. The laboratory technician took a very small but exact volume of urine and spread it onto agar medium. needles). Causes several types of anthrax, including Bacillus anthrax, Acetylecholine release, resulting in flaccid paralysis. Hyaluronidase, which breaks down hyaluronic acid in loose(areolar) connective tissues. both leading and lagging daughter DNA strands are synthesized in the 5' to 3' direction. Study College of DuPage Microbiology 1420 flashcards and notes. Rats have rat fleas that bite and transmit the bacterium that causes plague. How will this change the shape of the growth curve? Probiotics are live microorganisms that provide health benefits when consumed. Study Flashcards On Microbiology Exam 1 and 2 Questions at Cram.com. Virus that attacks bacteria, has double stranded DNA, permanent infections with recurring outbreaks, casuses "serum hepatitis," with liver damage and jaundice(transmitted like HIV; unprotected sex and shared I.V. Her symptoms included dysuria (painful urination), and her temperature was 38.8°C (101.9°F). I am a Medical Lab Tech, a Web Developer and Bibliophiliac. The only human ciliated pathogen. over 1-1/2 years. 2. It is able to take in DNA from surroundings. In which growth phase are bacteria susceptible to antibiotics? At which bacterial growth stage would it be best to consume yogurt in order to maximize the health benefits? A capsulated diplococcus with pili that causes Gonorrhea. It causes dysentery, cysts and/or trophozoites can be found in the stool. Harmless, aquatic bacterium that is 60 micrometers long! (1 pt) Who was the first person to observe bacteria using a microscope? Learn microbiology exam 1 with free interactive flashcards Microbiology exam 2 quizlet. Produces special reproductive cells(gametes), those come together to become one, and that's called a zygote. Dental disease is the most prevalent and costly infectious diseases in the United States. You can get this from a toilet seat! Meiosis occurs during germination of the zygosporagium so the resulting spores are hyphae and haploid. Is a normal flora yeast that is an opportunist. Quickly memorize the terms, phrases and much more. causes parvo in unvaccinated puppies and dogs and slapped cheek syndrome in people. Contractile vacuoles at each end to control direction of swimming. Give it a shot and see how high your absorption level is. ... sets of exam questions medical microbiology flashcards on Quizlet. Microbiology Exam 1 Name_____ 1/30/07 1. Bluish pigments called chlorophyll a. smaller symbiotic partners living inside a host organism, establishing endosymbiosis. A protozoan that helps termites digest the cellulose from wood. Posted on 24-Jan-2020. Independant cells fuse, no special reproductive cells are made. Enzyme responsible for adding deoxyribonucleotides to a growing nucleotide strand during DNA replication. having hooks/suckers, Flatworms that are monoecious, but don't fertilize their own eggs! Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Try this amazing Medical Microbiology quiz which has been attempted 2211 times by avid quiz takers. Most people breath this in everyday with no problem. Is a food borne pathogen and the leading cause of acute gastroenteritis (cramping, diarrhea, etc.) are worms, parasitic. Oh no! Chapter – 10: Industrial Microbiology Mostly marine(ocean water), are unicellular. Oh no! Conquer your course and sign up for free today! This is now used to treat migraines. Also explore over 189 similar quizzes in this category. electron microscopes were developed in the 1940's and 1950's, 1. multinucleated hyphae, hyphae that have several nucleases in it, not separated. Yeast can form pseudohyphae. Both ATP and NADH are generated during..... To biosynthesize large macromolecules such as lipids, polysaccharides, polypeptides (protein), and nucleic acid (DNA), what must the cell do? Lecture 01 Microbes are Everywhere Lecture 02 Microscopy Lecture 03 Cell Structure and Function part 1 Lecture 04 Cell Structure and Function Part II Lecture 05 Metabolic Diversity Lecture 06 Metabolic Evolution Lecture 07 Viral Life Cycles Lecture 08 Microbial Growth Lecture 09 Control of Microorganisms … Be able to recognize antibiotic structures. Diplococcus that is sometimes nicknamed pneumonococcus because it causes 70% of the cases of bacterial pneumonia. are all multicellular. the cytoplasmic division of a cell at the end of mitosis or meiosis, bringing about the separation into two daughter cells. A frequent secondary invader following influenza, and was named accordingly (but it does not cause influenza!). Is also vaginal thrush. microbiology exam 2 quizlet - Bing. Medical Microbiology Test Questions And Try this amazing Medical Microbiology quiz which has been attempted 2082 times by avid quiz takers. Mainly found in Africa, Asia, and South America, especially in areas with freshwater snail, which carry the parasite. Dysentery means extreme diarrhea that is explosive; with blood, pus, and mucus! Causes cholera, an acute intestinal illness transmitted by fecal contaminated food or water containing the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. Chapter – 3: Sterilization, culture media and pure culture techniques.. Chapter – 4: Genral properties of micro-organisms. Unicellular, filaments, colonial, multicellular. Professors from Microbiology 1420. A common fungus that can be found in indoor outdoor environments. Choose from 500 different sets of microbiology exam 1 questions flashcards on Quizlet. Quickly memorize the terms, phrases and much more. Made up of chitin walls. A large phagocytic cell found in stationary form in the tissues or as a mobile white blood cell, especially at sites of infection. microbiology exam 2 quizlet - Bing. A _______ mutation occurs within the coding sequence of a gene, and it results in the identity of the amino acid corresponding to the codon being changed to a different amino acid in that single location. Oval shaped cells, with a distinct nucleus. Jackie, a healthy 32-year-old female, arrived at an urgent-care clinic during her vacation in Hot Springs, Arkansas, where she enjoyed sitting in the hot springs with her family. The symbionts may live within the host's cells (intracellular) or outside cells (extracellular) in multicellular hosts. Chapter – 2: Bacteria and gram staining. With chlorophylls A & B, cellulose cell walls and starch food storage, green algae are considered to be ancestral to plants. Largest most diverse group of algae. blood fluke. Each spike has an enlarged glycoprotein end called gp120. Chemicals that remove oxygen can be found in which media? This means there is no new generation, just genetic exchange between two existing cells. What is the difference between facultative anaerobes and aerotolerant anaerobes? Causes Gas Gangrene. Why do certain viruses benefit from mutations within their genome, whereas mutations in humans tend to have a negative result? The oxidoreductase pumps transport electrons and then: Pump protons out of the cell, establishing a proton motive force. Causes Legionnaires disease (a type of pneumonia) which is spread by aerosol water spray (NOT person to person. Choose from 500 different sets of lecture exam 2 microbiology medical flashcards on Quizlet. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an inherited disease in which chloride ion (Cl-) transport is compromised in many organ systems. a. Disinfection b. Pasteurization c. Sterilization d. Antisepsis. [DOWNLOAD] Microbiology Final Exam Quizlet. What type of recombination requires long stretches of DNA sequence homology? A theory stating that the eukaryotes evolved through a process where different types of free-living prokaryotes became incorporated inside larger eukaryotic cells and eventually developed into mitochondria, chloroplasts, and possibly other organelles. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a Gram-negative bacillus common in soil and water, was subsequently isolated from both victims. Virus that is existing but not yet activated. Because urine samples from healthy patients usually have fewer than 10,000 bacteria per milliliter, the PA determined that the woman did have a urinary tract infection and prescribed an antibiotic appropriate for the etiological (causative) agent, uropathogenic E. coli. Cuitlacoche or corn fungus is a delicacy in Mexico, used instead of meat in many dishes. Viewed as an opportunistic infection. Includes quizzes, games and printing. How will the enzymes of thermophilic bacteria fare at human body temperature? Likely to be antibiotic resistant: Causes strep throat, tonsillitis, otitis, media(middle ear infection), scarlet fever, rheumatic fever, endocarditis, and nephritis. African sleeping sickness, vector is a Tsetse fly. The study of Mycology. (Botox is used to relax facial wrinkle muscles). Causes Schistosomiasis, the second most socioeconomically devastating parasitic disease after malaria; a chronic(long-term) illness that can damage internal organs and, in children, impair growth and cognitive development. Makes gametes for fertilization. Has NO contractile vacuole and NO big food vacuoles, because it feeds off of already processed foods. This kind of mutation is a(n)... A _______ mutation is one that occurs within the coding sequence of a gene and involves the insertion or deletion of a nucleotide. 1. are formed by fragmentation of septet hyphae. live in a deep marine habitat. Study College of DuPage Microbiology 1420 flashcards and notes. Generally speaking, prokaryotic cells tend to have a _______ DNA genome and eukaryotic cells tend to have a ______ DNA genome. To ensure the best experience, please update your browser. Elongated shapes are freshwater and non-elongated are marine habitat. Cram.com makes it easy to get the grade you want! Their cell wall is made of silica and of 2 parts on top of each other like a Petri dish. To ensure the best experience, please update your browser. made by combined efforts of 2 parent fungi when environmental conditions are harsh. Used in make up products as well, like face masks. Has an oral groove to let food in. require acid fast staining because of waxy lipids embedded in the peptidoglycan layers of their cell wall. The book presents the core concepts of microbiology with a focus on applications for careers in allied health. All types of RNA are created during a process called _______, but only one kind is interpreted as codons by the ribosome to make a protein. Are typically unicellular. causes oral-thrush. Any two worms can 'mate' by having a mutual sperm swap! After 24 hours of incubation, the clinical microbiologist found large numbers of Escherichia coli colonies (a Gram-negative bacillus), equivalent to 100,000 bacteria per milliliter of the patient's urine. gp120 end matches the CD4 receptor found on T helper lymphocytes and macrophages. "Bull neck" refers to extreme swelling of the upper neck. Found in warm bodies of fresh water, such as ponds, lakes, rivers, and hot springs. Need homework and test-taking help in microbiology? Cram.com makes it easy to get the grade you want! What process is this? Undergoes lactic acid fermentation and is involved in yogurt production. Cram.com makes it easy to get the grade you want! (Fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals), Segments in a tapeworm, that continually bud from the base of the scolex, gravid proglottids expanded uterus full of fertilized eggs. The pedagogical features of the text make the material interesting and accessible while maintaining the career-application focus and scientific rigor inherent … When conditions improve, however, they germinate to produce a sporangium or vegetative hyphae. They only make asexual spores. paralytic disease known as poliomyelitis. They are the result of a sort of incomplete budding where the cells elongate but remain attached after division. Microbiology Test 2 - 24 cards; Microbiology Test 2 Chaps 8,9,11-13 - 100 cards; Microbiology test 2 OSU - 40 cards; Microbiology Test 3 Chaps 14-17 - 62 cards; Microbiology Test 4 Chaps 18-21 - 91 cards; Microbiology Test 5 B - 51 cards; Microbiology test two - 186 cards; Microbiology Test 1 Campbell - 130 cards; Microbiology Test 2 - 157 cards Studies, courses, subjects, and textbooks for your search ... Lewis's Medical-Surgical Nursing Diane Brown, Helen Edwards, Lesley Seaton, Thomas Buckley. Which type of recombination does not use RecA and moves only a limited amount of genes? A cell that uses an organic carbon source and obtains energy from light would be called... How many endospores are produced by a vegetative cell? ... microbiology- lecture exam 2 2020-07-16; fathers of microbiology. Have a gene that codes for an enzyme that makes DNA from RNA.This is called reverse transcriptase RNA --> DNA, this is also called RNA-dependent DNA polymerase. Dimorphism(can see a difference in sex) can be observed in some pathogenic yeast depending the temperature. Choose from 500 different sets of bio exam 2 microbiology biology 2420 flashcards on Quizlet. The next day, several different types of bacterial colonies were visible on the agar plate. (2 pts) Which two of the following contribute to the opportunistic and infectious nature of bacteria? Cells are the basic building blocks of the human body. Medicine to treat Schistosomiasis, a single oral dose taken annually, Tape worms are parasites in the small intestines of all types of vertebrae animals. The study of phycology, Unicellular, have no cell wall! Just under the envelope is a protein layer called the matrix. China liver fluke, lives in the liver and bile ducts. Microbiology gives the learner an insight into how cells work. the viral capsid is bullet shaped(inside the envelope). Study Tarrant County College Medical Microbiology 2420 flashcards and notes. Bacteria enter a cut on a person's hand. Viruses that are not enveloped are called.. microbiology chapter 1 practice test › Verified 18 days ago Many are edible. This is the lysogenic cycle, meaning at any time the lytic cycle could happen. They were cultured and have been growing ever since! Most are multicellular, having chitin walls. Eventually break off at ends. A subsequent exploratory laparoscopy, in which a small incision is used to perform surgery and minimize scarring, revealed a grossly inflamed appendix that released a liter of pus when removed. A) Very resistant to disinfectants, antibiotics, etc. Chapter- 7: Structure of DNA and RNA. An enveloped retrovirus. each of the branching filaments that make up the mycelium of a fungus. The physician assistant (PA) suspected the patient was suffering from a urinary tract infection (UTI) in her bladder and sent a sample of urine to the laboratory. Study Flashcards On Medical Microbiology Chapters 19, 20, 21 at Cram.com. Until recently, technology that withstands the enormous pressures found in the world's deepest oceans was not available. Requiring intimate cell-cell contact, _____ among living members of mixed species in biofilms is one way that antibiotic resistance spreads. The RBCs in the blood agar may be lysed during growth of other nonfastidious bacteria. Easily spread back and forth from one partner to the other. Dead cells and the appearance of plaques (holes) in the monolayer. Is a capsulated enteric that causes a severe pneumonia when vomit is aspirated into the lungs: Often cause urinary tract infections if they get into the urethra via: An enteric bacterium that often causes nosocomial UTI's due to septic catheterization, urease production produces an alkaline environment which promotes kidney stone formation. Learn microbiology exam 1 with free interactive flashcards Microbiology exam 2 quizlet. Melissa, a 25-year-old woman, visited her doctor's office complaining of a terrible burning sensation while urinating. Upon examination, the patient screamed in severe pain when the clinician pressed on his lower right abdomen. April 14th, 2018 - What is medical microbiology Final Exam May 12 at 5 30 in the exam questions will be based on the material presented in lecture or covered in take home''med brown edu april 25th, 2018 - name medical microbiology exam—bacteriology block may 11 2001 instructions l fill in name and count pages—there should be x questions 2' The source of agar, also used in food such as sushi. has a "leaky" cell membrane, is transmitted by dog ticks and causes Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Study Flashcards On Microbiology Lab Exam 1 at Cram.com. Tags: MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY MCQs , MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY QUIZ , MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY QUIZ 2 , MEDICAL QUIZ , MICROBIOLOGY QUIZ , MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS OF MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY , … Education Details: Learn microbiology exam 1 questions with free interactive flashcards. a membrane outside the capsid of some viruses, derived from the host cell membrane. Chapter – 8: Immunology. a. flagella b. For every molecule of glucose that enters glycolysis, _____ molecules of ATP are consumed and ______ molecules of ATP are produced, for a net of ____ ATP molecules. Absorptive chemoheterotrophs. Some images used in this set are licensed under the Creative Commons through Flickr.com.Click to see the original works with their full license. Microbiology MCQ – 02. Quickly memorize the terms, phrases and much more. The test below encompasses all you have covered and is designed to see how much of it you understood. Are you a microbiology student and have just finished chapter. These fragments are synthesized in the ________ direction. Hyphae with two nucleuses, one of a male and the other a female. Assemble carbon skeletons, spend energy, reduce carbon skeletons, fix nitrogen, sulfur, and phosphorus. Zoology, "False feet" are temporary cell extensions (bulges) used for: locomotion and phagocytosis(food-getting), A common pond water protozoan; has food vacuoles, a contractile vacuole(this indicates a freshwater habitat), Endoplasm is speckled ectoplasm is clear and just under the cell membrane of an Amoeba. Has lots of cilia for locomotion. An Easier Road Through Medical University is Only One Click Away! Fastidious microbes are grown on which type of medium? Cells generally decrease internal entropy and increase external entropy levels. Chapter 8: Review Questions 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11. The infection will take some time to become noticeable because the bacteria are in which phase? The production of RNA complementary to a DNA template is known as ___________. Produced by budding at the tips of reproductive (aerial) hyphae. Blood samples were obtained and sent for bacteriological culture. This disrupts codon assignment, so the protein will likely be nonfunctional. formed from cells of septate hyphae. Causes diphtheria (a vaccine-preventable disease). From their chest X-rays, they were diagnosed as having an infectious bronchopneumonia. The march of dimes was formed to fight polio, causes minor common colds, symptoms similar to seasonal allergies except with color nasal discharge, causes profuse hemorrhaging at capillary beds throughout the body, 1. causes infectious hepatitis with jaundice, affect the parotid salivary glands(the glands located on both sides of the mouth and infront of the ears, including rotavirus, cause respiratory and enteric diseases(enteric-meaning having a severe case of diarrhea), A protein coat surrounding the nucleic acid core. Anaerobically growing bacteria can grow in which type of medium? What is the name of the process in which bacteria respond to the density of other bacteria in their environment? causes Histoplasmosis, a systemic mycosis (fungal disease) from inhaled spores that damages the lungs. Commonly referred to as the brain eating amoeba. With no cell wall, it has no definite shape. thick-walled, highly resilient to environmental hardships, and metabolically inert. Such a regular component of the human intestinal flora, that many European countries use it as their standard conform indicator of fecal water pollution in the same way we use E. coli in the U.S. (Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus) has emerged as a significant, antibiotic resistant, nosocomial pathogen. The white colonies led the clinical microbiologist to suspect that the patient was infected with the Gram-negative bacillus Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium. Mostly freshwater, has chloroplasts. causes plague. When a prophage injects DNA into a bacterium and it becomes apart of the cells DNA. Make flashcards/notecards for your textbooks with this free edtech tool. Students in a food microbiology class are investigating the practice of making yogurt with Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. form on the surface of a club shaped cell called a basidium. My greatest hobby is to teach and motivate other peoples to do whatever they wanna do in life. club shaped fungus cell, each basidium produces four (4) basidiospores. Study Tarrant County College Medical Microbiology 2420 flashcards and notes. Robert, a 21-year-old software salesman from Dallas, Texas, presented to the Parkland Hospital emergency room with 3 days of cramping pain in the midgastric and lower abdominal areas. Tragically, the two women did not respond to therapy and died within hours. Sporozoites is the infectious stage, spread from mosquitos-injected with saliva/anticoagulants, Are eukaryotic, photoautotrophs, have cell walls, plant like, unicellular, filamentous, colonial and multicellular and aquatic and referred to as phytoplankton. causes acne, which is not the same as pimples. a. Lister b. van Leeuvenhoek c. Pastuer d. Koch 2. The diagnosis was appendicitis caused by the anaerobic bacterium Bacteroides fragilis—a common intestinal microbe. 98% mortality rate. exam 1 microscopy and stains / cellular structures; final exam lectures; final exam; microbiology test 2; exam 3; medmi 200 study guide (2014-15 watson/valarie) final; micb; exam 2 - viral id; exam 4; exam 3 skin and eye infections; exam 2 - fungal id The correct term used to refer to a viral genome which has integrated into a bacterial cell chromosome is.. A bacterium takes in DNA from its surroundings then incorporates that DNA into its genome. A urinalysis revealed that she had a urinary tract infection (leukocytes and Gram-negative bacteria were seen), and she was therefore prescribed broad-spectrum antibiotics. One bud is one blastopore. Causes Salmonellosis (from raw/runny eggs, peanut butter, pet reptiles), and Salmonella type causes typhoid fever. Baker's/brewers yeast. Causes bacillary dysentery. causes atypical (or "walking") pneumonia. "Pseudohyphae" are distinguished from true hyphae by their method of growth, relative frailty and lack of cytoplasmic connection between the cells. Learn lecture exam 2 microbiology medical with free interactive flashcards. ... Popular Study Materials from Medical Microbiology 200. final exam; microbiology test 2; final exam lectures; medmi 200 study guide (2014-15 watson/valarie) final; micb; exam 2 - viral id; exam 4; exam 3 skin and eye infections; Made by 1 parent fungus when environmental conditions are great. Learn bio exam 2 microbiology biology 2420 with free interactive flashcards. After visiting another urgent-care clinic in her hometown, Jackie's urine was cultured. Quickly memorize the terms, phrases and much more. Produce bacteriocins (chemicals that kill off harmful bacteria). Has two nuclei. causes giardiasis(extreme intestinal distress). ... exam 2 - chapters 4, 5, and 6; micro 1420 study guide (2014-15 persky) micro exam 2; exam 1; See All. Start studying Medical Microbiology Exam 2. crystalized TMV and found that it was still infectious! Primary bacterium involved in plague formation and initiation of dental caries(cavities). ___________ are circular extrachromosomal DNA constructs that are usually smaller than the bacterial chromosome. Each ascus contains eight (8) ascospores (although all 8 might not be visible). These cells are called HeLa cells, and have been multiplying for 66 years! Causes ergot disease of rye. microbiology exam 1 questions Flashcards and Study Sets . A blood culture bottle incubated in air appeared sterile, whereas another blood culture bottle placed in a special chamber that removed oxygen grew thick with bacteria. Usually in a freshwater habitat. Spherical-shaped often spiked walls, barrel-shaped. Viruses have high mutation rates, which help them evade the immune system. A fecal sample from a patient with diarrhea was streaked onto MacConkey lactose agar medium, a medium that selectively prevents the growth of Gram-positive bacteria but will differentiate Gram-negative bacteria that can ferment lactose from those that cannot. For the electron carrier nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, NAD+ is a/an __________ form that gets ______ to NADH. The process in which all living cells, spores and viruses are completely destroyed from an object is called _____. Commonly called kelp, found in shallow habitats. A microscope fungal disease ) from inhaled spores that damages the lungs are affected! 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Make flashcards/notecards for your textbooks with this free edtech tool plaques ( holes ) in the world 's oceans... Plasmid has integrated into the host 's cells ( extracellular ) in the United States vacuoles at each to., study guide and exam help for Medical, dentistry and nursing students because of waxy embedded! With many cells in one ( multiple fission ) -Asexual reproduction very small but volume! Cells generally decrease internal entropy and increase external entropy levels parasitic fungi into lung tissue 's hand causes amoebic when... Obtained on chocolate agar, but the growth of other bacteria in their environment bacteria is.... C. Pastuer d. Koch 2 immune-compromised, and metabolically inert covered and is involved in plague formation and of. Together to become one, and or following broad spectrum antibiotic use, unicellular! 18 days ago make flashcards/notecards for your textbooks with this free edtech tool a Web Developer and.... 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