In Jaco the Galactic Patrolman, a Namekians is shown to be a member of the Galactic Patrol around the time of the Genocide of the Saiyans though they are implied to be deceased by the time of the Galactic Patrol Prisoner Saga as the sole survivor of Moro's invasion of New Namek Esca notes that he, Dende, and Piccolo are the last surviving Namekians after he is brought to Earth by Jaco. Though technically all Namekians are capable of this, by the time of Guru it was customary for only the Grand Elder to give birth though before the cataclysm Katas gave birth to the Nameless Namekian indicating that it was customary at one time for other Namekians to have children regardless of their position. However this makes sense as King Piccolo and Demon Clan offspring are unhindered by the light of Earth's single sun as well. Gohan apologizes for failing to save his village. Namekian DBZ by xneoguy. Namekians are a race of philosophical warriors - more than competent warriors, but only choosing to fight when they need to. During the Namek Saga, Krillin offers Dende food, to which the young Namekian declines, stating he and his people only drink water. He also is the most powerful Namekian by the end of the series, which places him in an entirely different caste of Namekians, Super Nameks. Kami's status as a Namek was not generally known, though he would not have been considered a demon. Kagyu, by using the Class-up and Super Class-up abilities, was shown to grow a bio-armor that increases his strength significantly. All the fusions include: Dende, refusing to eat, as Namekians don't eat. A while ago I stated in the infobox that Piccolo was male, but three of my edits were undone and the editor who undid my edits said "Namekians don't have genders unless it was retconned". [10] It is possible that King Piccolo's evil caused his own sons (including Cymbal, Drum, Piano, and Tambourine) to be mutated and malformed, so much so that they did not even resemble normal Namekians. You realize that namekians have genders. Patches on their arms seem to indicate age; younger Namekians have pink arm patches, while elders instead have a dull orange coloration. Despite not having a gender, they possess relatively masculine physiques. These Super Nameks were extremely aggressive and very different from their agrarian counterparts. By the end of the manga, Piccolo is by far the most powerful Namekian, which would make him much more powerful than the "Super Namek" Lord Slug, or any of the others that are known of in the series. Main articles: Super Class-up and Class-up. By unleashing God Power and obtaining the Red-eyed Namekian form, his armor gains an all yellow tinge, red gems on the upper forearms, and extends over the right half of his face. Additionally in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, Chronoa state that the Lord Slug is a Super Namekian born with a heart full of malice and Lord Slug himself states he has been pure evil since birth, has never had a just thought in his life, considers himself to be evil incarnate, embraces darkness, and calls himself the Nefarious Super Namekian. When Dende told Bulma, Krillin, and Gohan about the grand elder, he said that he had given birth to all his brothers and sisters. If he is a support character, there will be a glass of water on the table which is presumably a reference to Namekians only drinking water for nutrients. Though little about this caste is revealed, presumably its members specializes in labor-intensive tasks such as farming and construction. The planet was ultimately destroyed by Frieza as a last-ditch effort to kill Goku, in their battle during the Frieza Saga. They are humanoid with plant and slug-like characteristics, including green skin and antennae. However considering the food is gone from the table during the status boost scene, it is implied that Piccolo eat the meal off screen. Piccolo could be considered a half Warrior-Type and half Dragon Clan Namek hybrid because of his fusion with Nail (a Warrior) and Kami (a Dragon Clan member), giving him his vast abilities. They reproduce asexually by spitting out an egg (typically shortening their life in the process). Pink or pale yellow patches appear uniformly across their body, most notably on the abdomen, biceps, forearms, thighs, and calves. Drum is the first Namekian ever to be portrayed with purple blood, however. Namekians have four fingers on each hand in the manga and five fingers on each hand in the anime (and all games except Dragon Ball Online). During the. However the original Japanese version states that Lord Slugwasconsidered to be a "Super Namek", but escapes the dying Planet Namek during the climate shift by being sent off in a spaceship (much like Kami), and landing on Planet Slug. These are Nameks who are proficient in combat, and their power levels are usually around the 3,000 range. 0. 1 Reply 01/24/17. For example, Grand Elder Guru, the only Namekian known to die of natural causes, was over 500 years old when he died. [17] It is possible that Namekians can eat for pleasure rather than for sustenance, as demonstrated in the anime when King Piccolo ordered the King Castle chefs to prepare a huge feast for him. Reply. The FUNimation Dub of Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug explains that some extremely powerful Namekians found the ancient secret to unlocking a higher consciousness within, becoming "Super Nameks". This is the core of a Namekian that will branch off to either the supportive Dende Priest or the offensive Poko Priest. Gohan suggests he eat some fruit but the child says he's never had it before. The name "Namek" is taken from the word namekuji, which means "slug" in Japanese. According to DevilArtemis on YouTube, Namekians from Universe 3 are all Female. Namekians are humanoid in appearance and also share many common traits with slugs. Warrior-type Nameks are unable to use some of the magician-like abilities of members of the Dragon Clan, as shown by how when Piccolo merges with Kami and uses his body as the base, the Dragon Balls lose their power and another Dragon Clan member (Dende) is needed to restore it. An unnamed blue-eyed Namekian form appears in Dragon Ball Heroes which can be acquired by Namekian avatars via Super God Class-up. As stated in the Trunks Saga and witnessed in the movie Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug, Namekians have developed a sense of hearing beyond that of humans; Piccolo once bragged that he could hear across the universe with his hearing when explaining that part of the reason of how he tracked Goku and Broly down to New Planet Vegeta was because he overheard his conversation with King Kai. NamekNew Namek (Universe 7)Earth[1] (Universe 7) The manga implies that Namekians are neuter, Dende does not even know what a woman is and hermaphrodites have female parts (mostly male does not make a difference here, they would know both if they really would know what "male" means). The Grand Elder spawned the entire race himself. [11] All of the Namekians were temporarily transported to Earth, where they lived for nearly a year before being resettled on New Namek. Like all Namekians, Piccolo's biology is much different than that of Earthlings. They are among the most important races in the series, as they are the creators of the Dragon Balls. Elder Moori has seven Dragon Clan Namekians (himself, two elders, two unseen members, Dende and Cargo) and three Warrior-type Namekians within his village. It is implied in at least two video games that occasionally Namekians can be born pure evil such as the Black Namekian Narak in Dragon Ball Online who was born from the Evil Egg created by the evil in the hearts of the Namekians that settled next to King Piccolo's old throne after the destruction of New Namek by Mira and after his birth he eventually became the founder of the new Narak Demon Clan. saruki by MakyouGenkai10. 0. RoboMike2099 Jul 5, 2020. This might be a hard fact to swallow considering that Piccolo, Dragon Ball’s resident Namekian, has long been one of the good guys, but it’s true. DBZ by xneoguy. Facts:-Namekians DO have a penis.However it's only for urinal reason,so nothing sexual here.-They don't actually have an anus,considering the fact that they only drink water. Guru is an it not a she. King Piccolo and Guru communicated with their offspring, despite their locations on Earth and Namek respectively. The only known survivors are Grand Elder Guru, and the Nameless Namek, who was sent to safety on Earth. An unnamed red-eyed Namekian form has appeared in several video games. Piccolo uses the regeneration ability to regrow an arm. Nail did this for Piccolo as well, and afterwards Piccolo possessed his knowledge and memories. Namekians are green-skinned, human-sized humanoids with several characteristics reminiscent of slugs, including a pair of slug-like antennae protruding from their foreheads, and light green skin almost completely devoid of hair. Though, in one of his next sentences, he states that Namekians have no gender, which contradicts to what he said before. Namekians have skin color of green variants, and varying eye color. [14] In the Trunks Saga, Piccolo also implies that the species' acute sense of hearing is also the reason why their ears appeared very pointed. We know Universe 6 and universe 7 are counter part of each other, there are Saiyans Humans Frost and it seems they are the same universe with some other timeline events. [20] Nameks in this class include Guru, Kami, Moori, and Dende. However, no other Nameks in the entire series have been seen with a mustache or hair of any kind, except for. Elderly Nameks have darker green skin and less prominent pink patches (these appear to become dull-orange as the Namek advances in age), pointy ears, and red rings, in which they have three red conjoined rings on their ankles and wrists, making them look like they have ankle bands and wristbands. ! In the computer game Dragon Ball Online, Namekians fled to Earth in Age 853 after having their home of New Namek attacked by Miira. Does anyone have bones? Increased lifespan: Guru was several hundreds of years old before he passed on. Japanese Join the community. Most namekians are hairless, but an exceedingly rare few … Nameks in this class include Guru, Kami,Elder Moori, and Dende. During the Namek Saga, their home-world Planet Namek, was terrorized by Vegeta, Frieza, his henchmen: Dodoria and Zarbon, as well as host of his other soldiers. The evil that grows within Namekians is a fickle thing, but it’s an urge that’s important to … It is possible that Namekians can eat for pleasure rather than for sustenance, as demonstrated in the anime when King Piccolo ordered the King Castle chefs to prepare a huge feast for him. He seems fine at first but starts coughing and holding his stomach. : a Namekians body and limbs are also extremely flexible ): Namekians. They exist in both Universe 6 lost in the series, as Tambourine had gargoyle features, there. 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The pure hearted Gohan simply says it tastes bitter Namekians to appear milk with no difficulty mostly unknown have in.