Except they didn't. Boards; Dragon Ball - General; Kid Buu Vs … Sign Up for free (or Log In if you already have an account) to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. The jacket, cape, gloves, and black leggings of the previous forms vanish, replaced by two black armbands with yellow linings and white baggy pants ending in black boots with similar yellow pattern ending in grayish brown shoes. I have been having this game for a while now but i decided to start making videos on it. The only thing going for buuhan is his debuff, which isn't really something to write home about especially on this team considering how many passive heals and the presence of janemb. Beerus one shotted SSJ3 Goku from Battle of Gods who was likely far stronger than SSJ3 Goku from Buu Saga with no effort. 3. Death Ball: Makes a large energy ball that can destroy a whole planet in a … Kid Buu on the other hand Goku wanted to fight 1 on 1. kid buu has 12% recovery on super, which is more than 30k health recovery. User Info: SupremeGod91. The evil mage Bibidi knew how to summon and control him and eventually used him to slaughter most of the Supreme Kais. https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/1507-aew. However, after absorbing the Grand Supreme Kai, he was transformed into a less evil force by the Kai's influence and was later seale… Better feats. re: Kid Buu vs Super Buu (Gohan Absorbed) + Super Buu (Gotenks absorbed) quote Old Man Zangetsu I mean literally both Buuhan and Kid buu are stated on various medias to be the strongest. Gap between Buuhan and Kid Buu - Apr 9, 15 Buu Saga SSJ2 Gogeta VS Buuhan (SSJ3 Gotenks,Super Janemba,Fat Janemba,Piccolo,Android 17,Dabura,Tien,Chiaotzu absorbed) - Jun 22, 20 But Kid Buu > Super Buu. Wow someone actually voted before me. Super Buu being stronger doesn't even make sense from a story perspective since it kills any type of tension if two fighters stronger than Kid Buu could be summoned at any time. List of Equipment: None Notable Attacks/Techniques: Absorption: A very difficult attack where Buu throws a piece of his body to wrap around the opponent which then absorbs them as part of himself and gains their power, knowledge, and techniques. This is a split board - You can return to the Split List for other boards. No way Kid Buu is stronger than Buuhan.He isn't. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Because Kid … 0. Vegito is much stronger. Buuhan 5. Super Buu: 1.0 Ssj3 Gotenks: 1.1 Ultimate Gohan: 1.5 Buutenks: 2.1 Buuhan: 2.5 (maybe 2.6) Buuhan is obviously the str At best it would be Buff Buu, Super Buu, Kid Buu, Fat Buu, Pre Buff Buu, Pre Kid Buu, Evil Buu, Mr. Buu. Especially factoring in Buu's regeneration. Kid Buu > Buuhan. Kid Buu being superior to the spirit bomb containing the energy of all 4 of those is exactly what that seems to suggest. Super buu stomps round 1. Kid Buu Vs Buuhan Dragon Ball - General This is a split board - You can return to the Split List for other boards. i do not dragon ball , Dragon ball z , Dragon ball GT, Dragon ball Super all rights go to funimation and toei animation i hope you enjoy, Merry christmas! If Gogeta aren't the same. Wiki Points . Archived. That 1 vote for Kid Buu must've been Simplexible. SupremeGod91 3 weeks ago #8. I believe it goes SSJ Vegito>Vegito>Buuhan>Buutenks>Gohan>SSJ3 … Again, Janemba fought Goku and Vegeta while at a suppressed state: Gogeta immediatedly entered SSjin upon fusing, which would indicate that not even 30 minutes would be sufficient to dispatch a suppressed Janemba in base form, which really isn't that much weaker than Base Vegetto, who sparred evenly with Buuhan in the … I don't hold grudges. Versions: Fat Buu | Kid Buu | Super Buu | Buuhan (Gohan absorbed) Other Attributes. Kid Buu is stronger as confirmed in DBS and as i knew already. - Duration: 10:06. Afro Roshi 153,246 views. 2. The only feats Super Janemba has is beating up SSJ3 Goku, which proves him being stronger than Kid Buu. Super Buu is a mixture in appearance between Good Buu and Evil Buu, retaining Good Buu's skin color, but having a closer facial structure to that of Evil Buu. Topic Archived; Page 1 of 3; Next ; Last ; You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. Buuhan and Buutenks as I said are unmatched by any form of Buu. Fat Buu Buutenks was a go… Who was that so fast???! 1. MKScorpion 3 weeks ago #7. To sum up, kid buu hits twice … Dragon Ball Z has always been one of my favorite fighting/action cartoons ever since i was a small kid. Round 1: Buuhan vs … Press J to jump to the feed. The only reason that SSJ3 Goku failed was because Goku was unaware of the energy drain that SSJ3 … © 2020 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Goku was so desperate against Buuhan he even considered fusing with Dende or Mr. Satan. Hence why Even base Vegitto completely destroyed Super Buuhan, while Kid Buu, who is only as strong as Super Buu oblierated SSJ3 Goku and SSJ2 Vegeta. Kid Buu is the most chaotic and "dangerous" buu SS3 Goku said that he is able to wipe out Kid Buu at full power, which he never had the chance to be because of SS3's significant power drain. During his rampages, he absorbed the evil elements of races he eradicated and steadily became more violent and evil. © 2020 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Log in sign up. Both Goku and Vegeta felt confident enough that SSJ3 Goku would be able to beat Kid Buu once he had revved up enough power. BUUHAN = GOKU SSJ 3 - L'ORACLE est détruit. Stress: Not strangling the life out of someone when they desperately need it. DBS has already confirmed Kid Buu as the strongest. Buuhan wins. SSJ3 Goku could have won against Kid Buu or Fat Buu. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Hm, let's see. Majin Buu is an ancient force of destruction that has existed since time immemorial, cycling between periods of rampaging and hibernation. Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. Jiren. The Androids should've been no stronger than, at best, initial Freeza. Buuhan is Super Buu + Gohan's Power. Super Janemba > SSJ3 Goku > Kid Buu. Buutenks vs Kid buu,Buff buu,Buuicolo,Super buu,Fat buu enraged,Fat buu (calm),Evil buu,Good buu - Feb 12, 14 Neoseeker Forums » Special Interest » Dragonball » Buutenks vs buuhan Super Buu is born. 0. The Buu Goku was able to fight to a stalemate, or the Buu with the power of Goten, Trunks, Piccolo, and Gohan, who literally called himself the strongest version to ever live and made Goku s*** his pants. Content on spending more for absolute LESS and dont care they are getting ripped off. Nu gamers..Such a disgrace. I also like the whole insane personality that he had. 2. omega shenron was the last villian of dbz gt. OK but considering how much more powerful Buuhan is than Krillain I don't see why its a stretch to say Buu can take hits from Goku. but kid buu wasn't the last villian. Who was the most ignored/sidelined character in DBS. Location: Earth. Wtf! mejames255. Buuhan vs Golden Frieza vs Super Vegito(Optional from buu saga) Casual. He retains the Majin belt of his previous form. Now Kid Buu is basically in control of his body again, but the GSK stil causes him to have a soft spot for Hercule and Bee. 26 days ago. Janemba vs. Hirudegarn vs. Buuhan Who wins? User Info: MKScorpion. Buuhan vs Golden Frieza vs Super Vegito(Optional from buu saga) Casual. KID BUU VS BUUHAN LA FIN DU PIRE DEBAT DRAGON BALL ! Since he's also stronger, smarter, and possesses a wider variety of attacks, he almost seems like a completely different opponent as opposed to the regular Super Buu. In fact, I would say that Super Janemba is as strong as Super Buu or around that level. Here is evidence of Super Buu being stronger than Kid Buu. Posted by 2 years ago. My second favorite would be Kid Buu, if only because of how evenly he fights with SS3 Goku in addition to his infinite stamina, an invaluable trait in combat. Buuhan > Buutenks > Kid Buu > Super Buu. Forum Posts. Let's vehemently argue today and casually have a beer together tomorrow. That's crazy, they both destroy him. - Duration: 16:31. Buuhan(fat buu, mystic gohan, pickle-o, saiyan bois) at his … kid buu was stronger than the super buu and goku ssj3 was stronger than mystic gohan. The spirit bomb didn't contain the full power of the characters. Buuhan is the strongest, Kid Buu is just far more dangerous as he is incredibly unpredictable. kid buu is stronger than buuhan this is the proof and the truth so deal with it. A lot of people say Kid Buu is the strongest Buu period. is it just a law that we have to have at least one kid buu topic every month. Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. He … You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. While the games are not the most reliable source (In Raging Blast, Kid Buu have a greater battle power than Buuhan), seems pretty logical. 10:06. Vegito has better feats then Gogeta. A serious question to the people that think Goku is stronger than Gogeta. My personal favorite is Buutenks because of the fact that he dons the fusion vest. This is a split board - You can return to the Split List for other boards. User account menu. Kid buu is base buu, super buu is kid buu with south Kai absorbed. Buuhan on average gets 5 ki, that's only 15k hp recovery. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. User Lists: 0 #224 mejames255. Followers. The first 4 along with Buuiccolo would all be fairly close in power, as the second 4 would be the weaker Buu's. Close. Now, Super Buu is the same as Fat Buu, but without the GSK's effects making him innocent and restraining his power. DisastersGoOn. Why???! … Super Buu 4. Currently Playing: Xenoblade DE, DBZ Kakarot, Sekiro, Pokemon Sword, FF XIV, DB FighterZ, Smash Ultimate, Buuhan > Buutenks >>>>>> Kid Buu > Super Buu. Vegeta stated before that Goku in SSJ3 at full power could’ve OBLITERATED Kid Buu. Reviews: 0. You claim to believe "Super Buu > Kid Buu", yet you made this topic, I guess you agree Kid Buu > Base Super Buu. There's a line of dialogue I believe where Goku asks Vegeta if they should teleport the boys (Goten, Trunks, Gohan, etc) to the kai world so they can defeat Kid Buu but Vegeta rejects the notion and states they should finish it themselves. This team does extremely well on the defensive side of things. I can at least understand why people debate Kid vs Super, but Kid vs Buuhan or Buutenks? Super Buuhan would completely beat the living daylights out of Super Janemba until there was nothing left of him. after dragon ball z they continued in dragon ball z gt and omega shenron was the stronges villian in dbz and the strongest villian in whole animation world and off course goku is the strongest hero in animation world 2. It's fucking basic powerscaling. Every piece of information in the manga tells us that Super Buu is stronger than Kid Buu. The way power scaling works in Dragon Ball, the new main villain is almost always stronger than the previous main villain and there’s a some kind of feat or line of dialogue to show that. Follow 1187. Bomb containing the energy of all 4 of those is exactly what that to! Not strangling the life out of someone when they desperately need it the rest the! - L'ORACLE est détruit omega shenron was the Last villian of dbz gt ripped.. Can return to the split List for other boards of Super Buu being stronger than SSJ3 Goku from saga. Buu hits twice … 1 Janemba has is beating up SSJ3 Goku have. Considered fusing with Dende or Mr. Satan 12 % recovery on Super, which is than! Last ; You 're browsing the GameFAQs Message boards as a guest and restraining power. Initial Freeza slaughter most of the fact that he had ancient force of destruction that has existed since time,... 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