She lies about where the handkerchief is. World Literature I However, one character, Iago, manipulated all of them. But later in the scene: Is't lost? on Othello is that of the responsibility for Desdemona's death, some critics ascribing it to Othello, others to Iago, others to both, and yet others to Desdemona herself.2 Emilia's death has not, until very recently, received comparable attention, and it is agreed that Iago is solely responsible for her death. Othello was brought down by a fatal fault jealousy in his character. I’d say that she’s partly responsible for what happened to her.she loved and trusted others too much. Roderigo could possibly be blamed for the tragedy, as he aided Iago by agreeing to kill Cassio, “How do you mean removing him? Desdemona, the daughter of Venetian senator Brabantio, is captivated by Othello’s fables of bravery as a warrior and she falls in love with him. It is also said to have been originated from an Italian tale called Cinthio’s tale, which coincides with the location “Othello” is set in, based, In Greek, Desdemona means ‘the unfortunate’, perhaps reflecting an ideology that she is not meant to be liked, merely pitied for her misfortune as a tragic victim (commonly defined as someone who dies due to the faults of others). Log in here. Even after death, it seems that she does want her husband to be responsible for her death. Iago is, of course, mostly responsible for the tragedy because had he not manipulated almost every scene, then the tragic events most likely would not have occurred. She stands by her decisions and knows her duties. Desdemona is a victim of both Othello’s, Othello: The Wife Abuser While Desdemona does seem to accept her fate she does not do so without questioning. She knows the women who can cheat and betray their husbands. Yet we could see Othello as guilty for awakening Desdemona’s newly found sexuality and Othello therefore feels partly responsible for her supposed affair with Cassio. When Desdemona is at death's door, and someone asks who's responsible, she answers: "No one; I myself." The audience will now have to evaluate whether Cassio’s exit was for the best. She is not brave like Emilia. Or, Is Desdemona responsible for the tragedy of her life? Her character holds her purity and her love for Othello until the very end of the play. Although some may see Desdemona’s actions as loyal, if she would have simply spoke up, the tragedy would have been completely avoided. In addition, Emilia is unwittingly responsible for Desdemona’s death because she is remains silent. Desdemona combines rationality and tenacity in her final conversation with Othello. In William Shakespeare’s play Othello, Desdemona plays the role of Othello’s wife. ©2020, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Shakespeares Quelle war eine Erzählung aus der Sammlung Hecatommithi des Italien… When her husband is deployed to Cyprus in the service of the Republic of Venice, Desdemona accompanies him. Das Werk handelt vom dunkelhäutigen Feldherren Othello, der aus übertriebener und durch den Intriganten Iago beförderter Eifersucht seine geliebte Ehefrau Desdemona und daraufhin sich selbst tötet. In any given situation, for her, “ even his (Othello’s) stubbornness, his cheeks and frowns have grace and favour in them.” Ad. Two of his most vivid flaws include his jealousy and his reason versus passion. She lies about where the handkerchief is. However, Othello is in too emotional a state to listen, and he has already ordered the lieutenant's murder. The last time we see Desdemona before she awakens to find Othello standing over her with murder in his eyes, she sings a song she learned from her … He had been a good moral man in the beginning and later on became a jealous filled person, messed up enough to kill his wife. As the audience, we have to question Shakespeare’s intention for this stage direction. Print. Desdemona occupies contradictory positions in Othello; she is both 'half the wooer' (I.3.176) (an active female who makes her own choices – to marry Othello and to defend Cassio) and the passive prey or victim. Shakespeare uses this act to symbolise a form of strength in the woman. Desdemona’s strength lies in her faith in love with does not shake with the opinion of the society and does not fade away with minor ruptures in her marriage. Instructor Jason Hancock Desdemona's dedication to Othello is shown even at the end of the play when he tries to kill her. She argues that Desdemona is punished by patriarchy for her waywardness" 5 May 2015 My argument is that Desdemona and Emilia die similar deaths for similar reasons. Although Desdemona is innocent of the sins of which she is accused, she still bears responsibility for her own downfall. However, Desdemona's goodness is a beacon in the play, and must remain unsullied - even beyond reason - if the full gravity of the play is to be achieved. In view of the fact that Desdemona is a “fair” woman and Othello is “an old black ram”, commonly referred to as ‘the Moor’, their marriage indicates that her fate might be tragic. Throughout ‘Othello’, Shakespeare uses the manipulation of the protagonist, by the antagonist, Iago, to present a play controlled by men. But is not this precisely the weak link in their relationship? She does not shy away from her fear and bids for Othello to do the sensible thing and ask Cassio how he obtained her handkerchief. In Shakespeare’s play Othello Desdemona’s negligence and refusal to investigate accusations made against her makes her partially responsible for the tragedy. As we know that it is a domestic tragedy. If Othello were a normal person, he would see that there is no way Desdemona would get bored of him so fast and cheat after leaving her entire world for him. Othello for committing the murder? Desdemona is a character in William Shakespeare's play Othello. Top subjects are Literature, History, and Social Sciences. Her speeches are not as lengthy as those of the men, but with Desdemona, every word counts. However, when reading the play Othello, I did not feel he was a victim at all. Desdemona is the purity, the light and the truth throughout the play. She is enraptured by the mystery of Othello and makes a … As such, she is part of the upper class of Venetian society. Desdemona occupies contradictory positions in Othello; she is both 'half the wooer' (I.3.176) (an active female who makes her own choices – to marry Othello and to defend Cassio) and the passive prey or victim. "His unkindness may defeat my life, But never taint my love" 4.2. August 24, 2017 Othello. Which character in the play should be held accountable for her death? He airs the flame in the heart of Othello against Desdemona. Desdemona (Janie Brookshire) and Emilia (Karen Peakes) in Othello at Folger Theatre, 2011. Othello, der Mohr von Venedig (frühneuenglisch The Tragœdy of Othello, The Moore of Venice) ist eine Tragödie von William Shakespeare.Das Werk handelt vom dunkelhäutigen Feldherren Othello, der aus übertriebener und durch den Intriganten Iago beförderter Eifersucht seine geliebte Ehefrau Desdemona und daraufhin sich selbst tötet. Iago is the main cause of death and destruction of Desdemona. Or is it Iago who planned to get revenge against the Moor? Othello; a black moor downfalls from a highly respected general to a jealous man who murders his own wife and himself. Write a composition in which you give your opinion as an answer to that question. Othello trusted Desdemona implicitly “my life upon her faith”- showing the audience the extent to which her faithfulness rules his life and his trust. The portrayal of Desdemona does very much depend on the performance as this can alter whether she is regarded as a feminist or as submissive victim. Who is responsible for Desdemona's death? Desdemona is a pure and innocent wife, but she is also naïve. Work Cited Shakespeare, William, and Alvin, Kernan. Do you agree? She states, “O banish me, my lord, but kill me not”. "Desdemona's removal from her familiar environment isolates her during her ordeal." Between Desdemona and Hermione In Greek, Desdemona means ‘the unfortunate’, perhaps reflecting an ideology that she is not meant to be liked, merely pitied for her misfortune as a tragic victim (commonly defined as someone who dies due to the faults of others). This action shows us that Othello is to blame for his tragedy. She states, “O banish me, my lord, but kill me not”. This is a savage, warlike milieu (despite its association with Aphrodite and love) where Venetian soldiers have gone to fight, but because the invading Turks have all been drowned there is no war. Othello has responsibility for Desdemona’s murder since he did kill her because he allowed his jealousy and insecurities to control him into abusing and actually killing his wife. Throughout this essay I will relate to the Aristotelian and Senecan descriptions of tragedy to, appear to depict Othello as a victim of racism? Tenacity and Insecurity Lead to Tragedy . It could therefore be argued that Desdemona is a strong character and even a feminist. She claims that "nobody, I myself" committed this tragic deed. Or, Why does Desdemona suffer? Shakespeare's Desdemona is a Venetian beauty who enrages and disappoints her father, a Venetian senator, when she elopes with Othello, a Moorish man several years her senior. The portrayal of Desdemona does very much depend on the performance as this can alter whether she is regarded as a feminist or as submissive victim. Does Othello Meet the Standards of a Tragic Hero? Othello is the tragedy of a noble hero brought down by a fatal flaw -- jealousy -- in his character. However, one must also understand the reasons and circumstances which brought about the act. However, they are not to be held as responsible for Desdemona's death. However, Desdemona's goodness is a beacon in the play, and must remain unsullied - even beyond reason - if the full gravity of the play is to be achieved. This play presents a story of Othello being misguided by his ensign Iago and led to him murdering his faithful wife Desdemona. What is Othello's tragic flaw that causes his downfall. It could therefore be argued that Desdemona is a strong character and even a feminist. will help you with any book or any question. There is a debate that Desdemona bears responsibility for the tragedies in the play. Get help with your writing. G. Wilson Knight suggests that Desdemona is somewhat accountable for her own death as she was entering "the unknown seas of marriage with the mystery of man." Overall Othello is responsible for his own fate as he allowed himself to be manipulated and didn’t stick to his morals and values, like a true soldier should. Critic: Jardine, asserts that because of Desdemona's death is due to her character's sense of independence. What reason does Iago give for his hatred of Othello? Desdemona for not putting up more of a fight? 1 Scene 3). However, even when Othello kills her in a jealous rage, Desdemona does not want her husband to be responsible for her death. In Shakespeare’s play Othello Desdemona’s negligence and refusal to investigate accusations made against her makes her partially responsible for the tragedy. Although some may see Desdemona’s actions as loyal, if she would have simply spoke up, the tragedy would have been completely avoided. Characterisation Desdemona. Photo by Carol Pratt. The responsibility of Desdemona’s death falls on many different individuals throughout the play. The most symbolic part of the end scene is after being killed, Desdemona wakes briefly, protecting her husband even as he strangled her saying voying ‘Nobody, I myself’ when asked who killed her. Desdemona, the daughter of Venetian senator Brabantio, is captivated by Othello’s fables of bravery as a warrior and she falls in love with him. Unlike Desdemona who declares, “Alas the day! Othello is portrayed as a man that shows greatness; as a general from Venice who received high respect from his townspeople. Her character holds her purity and her love for Othello until the very end of the play. In the end, Othello stifles the speech that made Desdemona so powerful. The two women often talk about their husbands to one another; in spite of it Emilia doesn’t talk about Iago’s behavior toward her. Desdemona’s strength lies in her faith in love with does not shake with the opinion of the society and does not fade away with minor ruptures in her marriage. His personality flaws ultimately lead him to killing his wife, making it an important factor in the play. She is inevitably a victim of her times – times in which regardless of her courage and independent spirit, she is destroyed by the men around her. She is not allowed to raise her voices or demand her rights. Roderigo is also trying to have an affair with married woman, “My daughter is … This is a savage, warlike milieu (despite its association with Aphrodite and love) where Venetian soldiers have gone to fight, but because the invading Turks have all been drowned there is no war. However, one of the individuals in the play unwittingly helps contribute to her death by being naive. Do you agree? . Othello is responsible for murdering Desdemona; Iago is responsible for Othello’s behavior but Emilia is responsible the person who takes the handkerchief and causes these events to take took place therefore she unwittingly is responsible for Desdemona’s death. G. Wilson Knight suggests that Desdemona is somewhat accountable for her own death as she was entering "the unknown seas of marriage with the mystery of man." William Shakespeare is considered one of the greatest play writers who ever lived. ” and therefore starting off the series of killings. Free Essays on Emilia And Desdemona Can Be Held Accountable For Their Own Deaths. Or, Is Desdemona responsible for the tragedy of her life? It would have been highly improper and presumptuous for... (The entire section contains 2 answers and 610 words.). Desdemona is too innocent and gullible a character to be believable. She claims ‘nobody but I myself committed this tragic deed’. This along with her own virtue led to her death.she’s also very immature. Do you agree? To what extent is Desdemona presented as a tragic victim in the play ‘Othello’? There are many people in the play who are responsible for Desdemona’s death. The tragedy of Othello. Some might argue that Desdemona also shows a possibility of deceitful behaviour when she elopes in the opening of the play with Othello. Desdemona is too innocent and gullible a character to be believable. Othello feels that it is entirely his fault and commits suicide while Cassio, Rodrigo, Emilia, and Brabantio all contribute to Iago’s plot and Desdemona failed to save her own life. She loses it, bemoans its loss to Emilia, and then, when Othello asks to see it (III, iv), she says, "I have it not about me," which of course is the truth, for it is lost. Othello is responsible for murdering Desdemona; Iago is responsible for Othello’s behavior but Emilia is responsible the person who takes the handkerchief and causes these events to take took place therefore she unwittingly is responsible for Desdemona’s death. Or, Is Desdemona responsible for the tragedy of her life? Modern interpretations of Desdemona may find fault with her resignation, but here she is a tool of tragedy. The plot of the play results in her tragic and sudden death. To what extent is Desdemona presented as a tragic victim in the play ‘Othello’? Modern interpretations of Desdemona may find fault with her resignation, but here she is a tool of tragedy. His style of writing and his use of metaphors are what truly make him a great writer. Feminists argue that women are denied rights of freedom, equality, and decision making. If anyone is really responsible for her death, it is Iago. Desdemona in Othello is a Venetian beauty with resolute individuality, while Hermione in The Winter’s Tale is more mysterious. Two of his most vivid flaws include his jealousy and his reason versus passion. Desdemona is a pure and innocent wife, but she is also naïve. Tragedy is a drama or literary work in which the main character is brought to ruin or suffers extreme sorrow, especially as a consequence of a tragic flaw. When first introduced to the play, Othello, I had been told that Othello was a tragic hero driven insane by a villain. Othello, der Mohr von Venedig (frühneuenglisch The Tragœdy of Othello, The Moore of Venice) ist eine Tragödie von William Shakespeare. August 24, 2017 Othello. As Desdemona begs for her life and her innocence, Othello is only fuelled more by anger and jealousy. 2.p-134]. PREWRITING Who would you put on trial for Desdemona's murder? Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. But more so she should bear responsibility because everything was because of her but she doesn’t bear responsibility because her, herself did not do anything but stay faithful to her husband and stay out of trouble. His personality flaws ultimately lead him to killing his wife, making it an important factor in the play. Sure, Iago has a large part in Othello’s actions, but normal people are not so rushed in their attempts to kill their newlywed wife. Othello played the most important role in the murder of Desdemona due to his flaws in his character. Or, Why does Desdemona suffer? Desdemona herself must be held at least partly responsible for her death. She stands by her decisions and knows her duties. Iago knew Othello loved her so much he would do anything for her, and if he could destroy that love in some way his plan would work. Think about it. 1 through 30 Enjoy eNotes ad-free and cancel anytime. Iago for framing her? The tragedy of Othello. He designates Iago to be responsible for his wife’s safety and transportation. For the first time Emilia is fully on the side of her sex, abandoning her husband and protecting the name of Desdemona. The article “a feminist critique of the character Desdemona” offers an analysis of the character of Desdemona from the theoretical framework of feminism. If not for Desdemona’s pride, she could have lived a long and happy life with Othello. In such a male dominated society, Shakespeare presents the women in the play as tragic victims at the hands of their husbands, in particular Desdemona and Emilia. In the play “Othello,” by William Shakespeare, the main protagonist can be very much interpreted as a victim who has been treated differently in comparison to the Venetians due to his race. Knight argues that Desdemona's willingness to commit to the unknown is part of her downfall.     By definition, a tragedy is a story that details the downfall of a protagonist. Cassio? Students throughout the United States continue to read his sonnets and plays today. Desdemona … In ‘Othello’, Desdemona is portrayed as a courageous young woman whose character is used against, To what extent do you agree that in “Othello” Shakespeare presents women as the tragic victims of men? Desdemona is made to pay for being the general’s wife and to face the things she never wanted or deserved. Othello played the most important role in the murder of Desdemona due to his flaws in his character. This action shows us that Othello is to blame for his tragedy. When Desdemona pledged to accompany her husband in the fight with the Turk’s invasion, the latter decides to plan her trip. Or, Is Desdemona responsible for the tragedy of her life? Desdemona is responsible for her own death as a result of her innocence and her inability to ask the right questions. Shakespeare 's other great tragedies -- Hamlet, Macbeth and King Lear -- deal with issues that affect the well-being of entire nations, whereas Othello is a tragedy with timeless, Aaron Anderson Throughout Othello, Desdemona is presented as pure and innocent – in regards to this, Auden’s comment is unusual as Desdemona is seldom criticised; indeed many critics are complementary, giving her titles such as ‘gentle Desdemona’. Desdemona is first in this situation because of her friendship with Cassio, and talking to Iago as a friend is another cause of her downfall, thus making her a tragic victim. Emilia who is Desdemona’s loyal friend fails to convince Othello that Desdemona is faithful. For Desdemona, Othello is the hero of many exciting and dangerous adventures, who also has the appeal of the orphan child who needs love. The contrast between The Moor Othello and the gentle Desdemona in Shakespeare`s tragedy Othello is noteworthy. When her husband and his apparently trustworthy friend Iago enter, Cassio exits. Most often, the protagonist (tragic hero) is a member of high society who is faced with an oppositional force, be it internal or external. However, it could also be argued that Iago is not completely to blame for the misfortune of. But in speaking out, she is silenced by Iago as he stabs her to death. Knight argues that Desdemona's willingness to commit to the unknown is part of her downfall. Characterisation Desdemona. The handkerchief is the symbol of love from Othello for Desdemona. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. In any given situation, for her, “ even his (Othello’s) stubbornness, his cheeks and frowns have grace and favour in them.” Ad. Desdemona is to an extent an innocent tragic victim as she is manipulated by a male dominated society in the form of Iago and Othello, this can be seen with her submission as Othello smothers and kills her. Emilie remains silent when Desdemona was being killed, when she had information that Desdemona was innocent. When we take the reality aspect, the former is more realistic and true to life, which has implications even in this time. If a woman is submissive, she is acceptable and when she tries to raise her voice she is enchained. Already a member? Feminism tends to highlight the oppression of women and their position in a male dominant society. Desdemona plays at least one interesting part in the events that enrage Othello to the point of committing murder. Desdemona's death is tragic not just because she dies, but because it's her husband, Othello, who kills her. "Wretched fortunes" 5.2. Do you agree? He also thinks that he can buy Desdemona’s affections with any amount of money that he owns, “put money in thy purse. She is inevitably a victim of her times – times in which regardless of her courage and independent spirit, she is destroyed by the men around her. They are treated as inferior and dependent on men. In his Poetics, Aristotle states that "tragedy is the imitation of an action; and an action implies personal agents, who necessarily possess certain distinctive qualities both of character and thought; for it is by these that we qualify actions themselves, “Othello” tragedy, written by Williame Shakespeare, is an excellent example of Renaissance humanism. A majority of Desdemona’s suffering is down to Iago’s manipulation. So, if any character has died the most undeserved death in the drama apart from Emilia (Iago’s wife), then it is Desdemona. She is thought of responsible for performing her duties only. The plot of the play results in her tragic and sudden death. Character Analysis of Desdemona in Othello. Instead of blaming her death on him she blames it on fate. For Desdemona in William Shakespeare’s Othello, this is certainly true. Her speeches are not as lengthy as those of the men, but with Desdemona, every word counts. Something that was condemned in the Elizabethan era. Huck Finn: The Twisting Tides Of Portrayal - Racism Essay, Essay on The Role of Sex in The Epic of Gilgamesh, Essay The Forge and the Satis House in Great Expectations. Desdemona is introduced to us readers as a rebel as she ran off with a black man to get married without her father’s consent. Desdemona is the daughter of Brabantio, a man of some reputation in Venice. For the first time Emilia is fully on the side of her sex, abandoning her husband and protecting the name of Desdemona. Aspects of tragedy: Text overview ... a bastion of male power where Desdemona, alone and isolated from her Venetian support system, is vulnerable to the machinations of the arch manipulator Iago. Othello's reaction upon Desdemona's death is a mixture of shock, hysterics, and anger. The person who described him to me had led me to believe that Othello was a victim. While Desdemona does seem to accept her fate she does not do so without questioning. Tragically, Desdemona is apparently aware of her imminent death. On the contrary, Othello demonstrates all of the classic signs of a wife abuser:, interference in the relationship between his loved one and her family, prior use of violence, elevating his loved, Othello is exemplified and referred to as an exceptional character that falls as the result of a tragic flaw. Sure, Iago has a large part in Othello’s actions, but normal people are not so rushed in their attempts to kill their newlywed wife. Impression that he does not value Desdemona for her death holds her purity and love. End of the greatest play writers who ever lived by her decisions and knows duties! When she elopes in the events that enrage Othello to the unknown part... Committing murder general from Venice who received high respect from his townspeople,... A tragic victim in the play unwittingly helps contribute to her death.she ’ s partly responsible for tragedy. To be responsible for the best presumptuous for... 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