Structural western red cedar is primarily rated for strength, with the use of multiple mix grades and strength given the level of visibility also noted. Suitable for exterior construction. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Thank you, Cindy Peterson. In Select Knotty grade, knots are sound and tight. We ship top quality Western Red Cedar lumber nationwide at competitive prices! Tongue and groove siding can be installed at an angle, vertically or horizontally. Generally, random length Western Red Cedar is used for soffit. Actual Size. Size. […] offer Western Red Cedar decking in a variety of widths and thicknesses, as well as grades. Common specifications are Select Knotty with a percentage of Quality Knotty allowed. Cedar Siding is an ideal choice to add warmth and beauty to the interior or exterior of your home. Species: Western Red Cedar: WRCLA Western Red Cedar: Product Pattern and Intended Use: Siding is used as an exterior cladding to provide both weather protection and architectural style. All Clear V.G. For information on grades of Fence materials, please click HERE. Species: Western Red Cedar: WRCLA Western Red Cedar: Product Pattern and Intended Use: Siding is used as an exterior cladding to provide both weather protection and architectural style. Western Red Cedar siding is available in clear and knotty grades. Not sure who might be able to help you locally. Western Red Cedar Siding is a beautiful, affordable and environmentally friendly siding choice. Can you recommend something? Thank you for your interest in our products. This grade allows limited characteristics that do not detract from serviceability.Available solid wood or finger-joined. Available in Bevel, Board & Batten, Tongue & Groove, Lap/Channel Siding Patterns and Trim Boards. Structural Grade is also referred to as Common Lumber. This is the highest Bevel siding grade. Clear, premium grades have few adverse characteristics (knots, splits) etc. Pieces are of mixed grain.These mixed grain (vertical and flat) pieces are graded from the surfaced face.Typically sold with a percentage of B grade. This is something that is commonly seen in the. It is manufactured by re-sawing the cedar lumber at an angle to produce two pieces thicker on one edge than the other. There may be over sized or missing knots, rot pockets, wane on edges and corners and loose grain. Western Red Cedar siding is available in clear and knotty grades. Western Red Cedar tongue and groove siding is a highly versatile and attractive option for siding a home. Hi, thank you for your interest in our products. 2 and Better Structural – This grade is evaluated on structural characteristics, rather than appearance. Some companies may supply this grade of Western Red Cedar with knots glued on the reverse face and there is typically a percentage of Quality Knotty included in an order. High quality lumber for use where appearance is important. Pieces have a smooth face of decay-resistant heartwood and are free from growth characteristics that affect appearance or performance. Get them natural or pre-stained. The manufacturing process of this home siding results in … Depending upon size, Western Red Cedar is classified as Light Framing, Structural Joists and Planks, Beams and Stringers, or Posts and Timbers. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. All knots are sound and tight. Cedar Shingles: We stock a #1 Blue label shingle which is 100% heartwood, 100% clear and 100% edge grain. Clapboard is milled in a variety of clear and knotty grades. The remarkable #1 Grade 24" Medium Western Red Cedar Shakes (20 Sq.ft .. digital photography below, is section of 12 Menards Cedar Shakes content which is listed within Ideas, does menards have cedar shakes, menards cedar shake siding, menards cedar shake vinyl siding, menards cedar shakes, menards red cedar shakes, menards white cedar shakes and published at July 11, 2020. The recognized authority since 1915. Cedar Shakes: We stock a handsplit 24” medium butt cedar shake in #1 grade clear western red cedar. We will have someone contact you via email today to discuss further. All Mill Pre-Finished Olympic 716 "Cedar" tone semi-transparent oil-based stain (OM 4782) In Select Knotty grade, WCLIB 111-e knots are sound and tight. There is no substitute for the natural beauty and durability of Western Red Cedar. I would like to build an off grade home with cedar as the foundation. In addition to these clear grades, some suppliers will also offer clear grades of A & Better, B, C and D & Better S4S for decking purposes. Western Red Cedar Tongue & Groove is widely used for its good looks and versatility. Thanks! Western Red Cedar Select Tight Knot Grade This grade has a lot of personality and is used on siding, interior paneling and virtually any application. […], […] recently shipped a custom milled package of surfaced, knotty Alaska Yellow Cedar lumber to New Jersey for this stunning deck and railing crafted by Paradise […], […] siding is readily available in knotty grades with a rough sawn, textured face in the following […], […] or 1×12” boards combined with 1×3” battens. Clear siding is graded for smooth face use with the exception of Rustic which is graded for saw textured use only. Common specifications are A and Better and A and Better with a percentage of B Clear allowed. Western Red Cedar bevel siding (Clapboard) is the most widely-used siding type throughout New England and beyond. We are also able to offer custom milled profiles, as well as Western Red Cedar T&G in clear grades. This grade allows limited characteristics that do not detract from serviceability. Western Red Cedar grades can be generally categorized into clear grades and knotty grades. This is a Canadian organization, which is important, because much of the world’s highest-quality Western Red Cedar siding is sourced from the sustainably-managed forests of British Columbia. Graded to the manufacturer’s specifications to meet the intended end use. Typically supplies as S1S2E products. If you are looking for a specific extreme length (anything over 20 feet) it would custom cut and may take some time. Suitable for quality landscape structures and exposed beams. Clear, Vertical Grain Western Red Cedar Siding, Please note, these grading standards do not apply to Western Red Cedar Fencing. In this grade the knots are sound and tight. Vertical grain means that the growth rings are parallel to each other on the face of the board and the wood is sawn specifically to achieve that look. It works great for roofs where quality cannot be compromised. The designer may choose from a variety of lap siding patterns specified by name or pattern number. By carefully inspecting and measuring this sample, we were able to have […], […] example, within the “cedar” decking manufacturing market there are many grades, grading standards, as well as growing regions within the Pacific Northwest where Western Red Cedar is grown, which […], […] Red Cedar is available in different grades, including the one that is just right for your project. Requested 10' Lengths ONLY. Clear siding gives premium quality appearance and is ideal for prestigious, upmarket applications. Some companies may supply this grade with knots glued on the reverse face. This is a fine appearance grade that allows only slightly more growth characteristics than Clear Heart. Knotty siding has warmth and casual charm and is ideal for homes, cottages, club-houses and applications where a rustic appearance is desired. Available in Board & Batten Siding Pattern only. 1 x 4 (Rough 1 Face) 1 x 6 (Rough 1 Face) 1 x 8 (Rough 1 Face) 1 x 10 (Rough 1 Face) 1 x 12 (Rough 1 Face) Resawn 2 x 4 = ¾ x 3½ ... Western Red Cedar Siding. Occasional pieces may require trimming to yield suitable quality for the intended end use. Western Red Cedar siding’s beautiful colour provides an eye catching natural design aesthetic. It is available in clear or knotty grades with smooth surfaced, combed or rough sawn finishes; kiln dried or unseasoned (green); flat grain […]. A Clear – This is a fine appearance grade that allows only slightly more growth. Select Knotty – Knots and other natural features define the visual characteristics of the Western Red Cedar. Many pieces completely clear, others have minor imperfections that do not detract from their fine appearance. The siding is made of appearance grade wood. * Common specifications are C and Better and C and Better with a percentage of D Clear allowed. Channel / Rustic. 360.757.6343, […] louvers we supplied to our customer were custom milled from the finest 2×8″ clear, vertical grain Western Red Cedar available on the market and will be used to provide shade as exterior blinds. Do you buy cedar blocks? I’m looking for western red cedar to be used in a 30ft span of soffit for my home. No 2 & Better – A grade offered generally for Western Red Cedar. Bear Creek Lumber can provide a multitued of options in tongue and groove by adjusting size, grade or pattern. Because of this, a product in this grade is sold “as is” and returns or exchanges are generally not allowed. Light Framing is lumber 2″ to 4″ (51 mm to 102 mm) thick and 2″ to 4″ (51 mm to 102 mm) wide either rough sawn or surfaced four sides (S4S). The knots and other natural features define the visual character of this grade. As durable as it is beautiful Western Red Cedar siding is the perfect choice for finishing your building project. Actual Size. Size. Our bevel siding is a classic profile, often seen on traditional American colonial style homes and is available in both a knotty and clear grade Western Red Cedar. 4 knots per 12’ of board is allowable. The product allows the use of adhesives on the reverse face to secure knots. If you are going to use Cedar for a foundation, be sure to get good, old growth Coastal Western Red Cedar with very tight growth rings. If you would like to discuss this further, please call us at 360.757.6343. This cedar siding is available in clear and knotty grades, and is made by resawing lumber at an angle to produce pieces thicker on one edge than the other. 950 B Fountain Street, Burlington WA  98233, […] Dried “Clears” have been dried (to approximately 12% moisture content) at the mill and are the most […], […] construction and finishing uses in a range of lengths, widths and thicknesses. I am looking for a quality grade western red cedar for deck boards. Heart grade is sawn vertical grain (edge grain) and is kiln dried. The WWPA garding book tells us that this is a grade ideally suited for … More pin knots and tight knots are allowed than within the other Clear Grades of Western Red Cedar and other natural characteristics which are widely accepted in the construction of outdoor structures, including arbors, pergolas, large trellises and porticos. Our exterior siding comes in a wide range of grades, meaning that you can choose one that matches your individual style and budget. For specific Western Red Cedar siding grades, please visit the siding grading page . Some pieces may require trimming to yield lengths for intended uses. Pieces have excellent dimensional stability and the ability to hold finishes very well. The grade may include pieces too thin to manufacture to standard sizes. Supplied kiln-dried.Architect Knotty® is a registered trademark of the WRCLA, NLGA – National Lumber Grades AuthorityWCLIB – West Coast Lumber Inspection BureauWWPA – Western Wood Products Association, Characteristics & Properties of Western Red Cedar. Architect Knotty® is particularly well suited for factory priming or finishing. […], […] such as this double tongue and groove that measures 3-1/2” x 5-1/2” that was manufactured from clear Western Red Cedar well over 100 years ago. Deck will be an extension of my existing concrete porch. Thanks for reaching out to us. Good luck! Here is an overview of the characteristics that determine the grades of Western Red Cedar: Clear Western Red Cedar. In general, the grades referred to herein are rough sawn. The highest grade for non-Bevel patterned siding. Siding Interfor Siding: Nothing looks as good as Western Red Cedar. When a rustic look is desired, Knotty, unseasoned boards are often used, which can be a real money saver over using clear Western Red […], […] these photos clear Western Red Cedar T&G with all it’s beautiful color variations add elegance to this recently completed sun […]. Western Red Cedar exterior siding or cladding comes in a spectrum of patterns, including the one that is just right for your home’s style and your budget. Price. Quality Knotty – Similar to Select Knotty, but a few small scattered holes are allowed, the grain may be heavily raised and checks are not limited. Available rough or WWPA N/A dressed, kiln-dried or unseasoned and smooth or saw textured. I live in one of the bug capitals of the U.S., Florida. This product is intended to be fully usable with the resawn face exposed after trimming to fit the stud wall spacing. In fact, the NLGA is the only recognized rules-writing body for lumber grades and standards in Canada. The Western Red Cedar Lumber Association describes this grade as permitting somewhat more imperfections than Clear Heart but still restricted to pieces with excellent appearance. No. Clear, Vertical Grain – This is the highest grade of Western Red Cedar. […], […] Our Select/Quality Knotty Western Red Cedar T&G is readily available in 1×4”, 1×6” and 1×8”, as well as 2×6”, and is perfect for interior ceilings, as well as exterior soffits and ceilings. Before your next project, be sure to visit us! Items may be supplied surfaced (S4S) or with a re-resawn texture. This product is also is generally supplied Kiln Dried and would be ready to accept paint or stain. Deck will have full around railing with a gate on either side. Learn about the different grades of cedar products by visiting the Cedar Shake & Shingle Bureau website today. C&Btr Clear – High quality lumber for use where appearance is important, but permits more numerous characteristics than Clear Heart or “A” Grades. The designer may choose from a variety of lap siding patterns specified by name or pattern number. It can be installed horizontally, vertically or diagonally, each method giving a distinctly different look. Pieces must be serviceable, but 10% waste per board is allowed and is considered with the price of the material is set. Bevel Siding Find information on grades, sizes, coverage table and specifications for Bevel Siding. Available in Board & Batten, Tongue & Groove, Lap/Channel Siding Patterns and Trim Boards. Standard & Better Beams, Posts and Timbers – These items are intended for general construction use where serviceability is more important than appearance. Consult manufacturers for grade descriptions and nomenclature. The siding is made of appearance grade wood. No structural values are assigned. Generally used in. In addition to interior and exterior trim, lumber of this grade is used for cabinetry, doors, windows and similar applications. From casual knotty grades to clear […], […] from high quality Select Tight Knot Western Red Cedar, this rail cap will be installed at a condominium complex in Idaho after we have […]. With exceptional stability, clear Cedar T&G will add sophistication and warmth that no man-made product can provide. Knots and other natural features define the visual character of knotty sidings. In addition to interior and exterior trim, as well as exterior cladding, Western Red Cedar of this grade is also used for cabinetry, doors, windows and similar applications. Please give us a call to discuss your specific project – we’d be happy to help! Is there a grade of cedar that is useful for my desired purpose? Cedar siding is actually less maintenance than you think and there's many reasons why you should use cedar for your next siding project. Western Red Cedar exterior siding or cladding comes in a spectrum of patterns and grades, including the one that is just right for your home’s style and your budget. 1x8 T&G (V4E 3/8 T&G 6 3/4 EXP) CEDAR-WRC SIDING, STK (BL Grade Equivalent MILL SELECT), KD, StainEXT, RESAWN, Rough Use. Western Red Cedar not only possesses properties which make it naturally resistant to rot and decay – but can also help insulate your home, whilst helping it to ‘breathe’. Western red cedar wood is ordered in a mill on two levels, structural and appearance. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window). They are usually furnished as A & Better allowing a % of B or C & Better allowing a % of D. ... CEDAR-WRC SIDING, CVG (BL Grade Equivalent CLEAR), KD, StainEXT, S4S, Smooth Use - Both mill pre-finished with Cabots Wood Tone Stain “Heartwood” 3004 (OM 4740) We break into a unit of clear grade western red cedar to help us demonstrate the expectation we want our customers to have. Sorry, we don’t do any manufacturing of cedar. Available rough or dressed, kiln-dried or unseasoned and smooth or saw textured. 1 x 8. Many of the pieces of Western Red Cedar are completely clear, others have minor imperfections that do not detract from their fine appearance. 1x6 T&G (V4E) CEDAR-WRC SIDING, STK (BL Grade Equivalent MILL SELECT), KD, StainEXT, RESAWN, Rough Use. Grades One of the most popular species of wood siding is Western Red Cedar because it has dimensional stability, holds finishes extremely well and is naturally durable. Both seasoned (kiln-dried) and unseasoned (green) sidings are available. Boards often represent good value in the no-hole product range. Available seasoned or unseasoned. Structural Grade: Structural Grade is typically used for Cedar 2 inches thick or more because these are dimensions used in a structural capacity first and foremost. Rustic grade siding is recommended for use as sidewall covering where the distinctive charm of a rustic saw textured appearance is desired. Deck will be approx 17ft X 16ft. Other WRC siding profiles are board and batten which is used on everything from backyard sheds, to fencing, to indoor paneling, to log cabins. Includes only pieces with heartwood on the exposed face. Western Red Cedar. Price / LF. […], […] clear grades, Western Red Cedar T&G it is commonly supplied in thicknesses of 7/16” or 1” in either 4 or […], […] Clear grades of Western Red Cedar T&G paneling are prized for a consistent and clean appearance, as well as natural, rich color variation between boards. […] Half Moon Bay, CA on an exquisite custom home and are getting ready to ship out this custom milled, clear Western Red Cedar rail cap along with more cedar cladding for the […], […] we milled the 1×6 clear, vertical grain Western Red Cedar Fine Line Tongue and Groove to the specified pattern, we had a factory flood coat […], […] Knotty Western Red Cedar bevel siding has a rustic and warm appeal that is the less expensive than clear grades. Clear grade Western Red Cedar siding used as an accent piece or covering the whole project provides a sleek modern look. D & Better Clear – This grade permits larger and more numerous natural characteristics and is used where general utility is more important than appearance. Pieces have a smooth face of decay-resistant heartwood and are free from growth characteristics that affect appearance. Home Species Western Red Cedar D and Better Clear Western Red Cedar Grade This is a high quality graded lumber that acording to the WWPA, "has many of the fine appearances of C select between the higher finishing grades and the Board grades as many pieces have a finish appearance on one side, the reverse side showing larger or more numerous characteristics". Located on beautiful Orcas Island, […]. KNOTTY GRADES OF WESTERN RED CEDAR BEVEL SIDING Grade Description Grading Rule Paragraph1 SELECT KNOTTY Knots and other natural features define the visual NLGA 205a character of knotty sidings. Hello, I am having my large cedar tree cut down next spring. Pieces may contain up to 4 sound, tight knots per 12’ of board and pin holes may be present. What size would they need to be cut? We are here Monday through Friday 7:30 am to 5 pm PT. We also stock a #2 red label shingle which allows for limited sapwood and flat grain as … If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Our staff of Cedar Experts will be happy to discuss your individual project and make recommendations for the grade of Western Red Cedar to use, assist you with the correct amount of material to order, as well as provide you advice on installation. Clear Heart – Includes only pieces with heartwood on the exposed face. When properly finished and maintained, your knotty Cedar bevel siding will perform admirably for many years. Tongue & groove siding is available with rough or smooth faces. Cedar Shakes and Shingles. S4S products may require special ordering. Red Cedar Lumber products are available rough surfaced, kiln-dried or unseasoned and smooth or with a re-sawn texture. Most of the material will be box heart, meaning the timber is taken from the center of the Cedar tree and is less stable. What is difference between knotty and clear cedar, Choosing the Right Fasteners for Your Construction Project, General Guidelines for Installation Western Red Cedar Siding « Cedar Country Lumber, Natural Characteristics of Western Red Cedar « Cedar Country Lumber, Western Red Cedar Decking – Goodman Project « Cedar Country Lumber, Horizontal Western Red Cedar Privacy Fence « Cedar Country Lumber, Why Your Custom Home Deserves High Quality Western Red Cedar « Cedar Country Lumber, Cedar Pergola for Camp Orkila « Cedar Country Lumber, Clear, Vertical Grain Western Red Cedar Airfoil Louvers « Cedar Country Lumber, Installation Tips for Installing Western Red Cedar Tongue and Groove Paneling « Cedar Country Lumber, Trending Now – Cedar Tongue and Groove Interior Paneling « Cedar Country Lumber, Cedar and other Wood Specialty Patterns « Cedar Country Lumber, Wood Decking Comparisons « Cedar Country Lumber, Clear Western Red Cedar Building Materials Used for Custom Fence « Cedar Country Lumber, Custom Milled Knotty Cedar Rail Cap « Cedar Country Lumber, Clear Western Red Cedar Custom Milled Rail Cap « Cedar Country Lumber, Half Moon Bay Custom Home « Cedar Country Lumber, Knotty Western Red Cedar Bevel Siding « Cedar Country Lumber, Knotty Western Red Cedar Tongue and Groove for Ceilings and Soffits « Cedar Country Lumber, Custom Milled Alaska Yellow Cedar « Cedar Country Lumber, Western Red Cedar Channel Siding « Cedar Country Lumber, Cedar Board and Batten Siding « Cedar Country Lumber, Trending Now – Natural Wood Ceilings « Cedar Country Lumber, Clear, Vertical Grain – This is the highest grade of Western Red Cedar. 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